Saturday, December 31, 2011

U.S. mulls transfer of Taliban prisoner in perilous peace bid (Reuters)

WASHINGTON (Reuters) ? The Obama administration is considering transferring to Afghan custody a senior Taliban official suspected of major human rights abuses as part of a long-shot bid to improve the prospects of a peace deal in Afghanistan, Reuters has learned.

The potential hand-over of Mohammed Fazl, a 'high-risk detainee' held at the Guantanamo Bay military prison since early 2002, has set off alarms on Capitol Hill and among some U.S. intelligence officials.

As a senior commander of the Taliban army, Fazl is alleged to be responsible for the killing of thousands of Afghanistan's minority Shi'ite Muslims between 1998 and 2001.

According to U.S. military documents made public by WikiLeaks, he was also on the scene of a November 2001 prison riot that killed CIA operative Johnny Micheal Spann, the first American who died in combat in the Afghan war. There is no evidence, however, that Fazl played any direct role in Spann's death.

Senior U.S. officials have said their 10-month-long effort to set up substantive negotiations between the weak government of Afghan President Hamid Karzai and the Taliban has reached a make-or-break moment. Reuters reported earlier this month that they are proposing an exchange of "confidence-building measures," including the transfer of five detainees from Guantanamo and the establishment of a Taliban office outside of Afghanistan.

Now Reuters has learned from U.S. government sources the identity of one of the five detainees in question.

The detainees, the officials emphasized, would not be set free, but remain in some sort of further custody. It is unclear precisely what conditions they would be held under.

In response to inquiries by Reuters, a senior administration official said that the release of Fazl and four other Taliban members had been requested by the Afghan government and Taliban representatives as far back as 2005.

The debate surrounding the White House's consideration of high-profile prisoners such as Fazl illustrates the delicate course it must tread both at home and abroad as it seeks to move the nascent peace process ahead.

One U.S. intelligence official said there had been intense bipartisan opposition in Congress to the proposed transfer.

"I can tell you that the hair on the back of my neck went up when they walked in with this a month ago, and there's been very, very strong letters fired off to the administration," the official said on condition of anonymity.

The senior administration official confirmed that the White House has received letters from lawmakers on the issue. "We will not characterize classified Congressional correspondence, but what is clear is the President's order to us to continue to discuss these important matters with Congress," the official said.

Even supporters of a controversial deal with the Taliban - a fundamentalist group that refers to Americans as infidels and which is still killing U.S., NATO and Afghan soldiers on the battlefield - say the odds of striking an accord are slim.

Critics of Obama's peace initiative remain deeply skeptical of the Taliban's willingness to negotiate, given that the West's intent to pull out most troops after 2014 could give insurgents a chance to reclaim lost territory or push the weak Kabul government toward collapse.

The politically charged nature of the initiative was on display this month when the Karzai government angrily recalled its ambassador from Doha and complained Kabul was being cut out of U.S.-led efforts to establish a Taliban office in Qatar.

U.S. officials appear to have smoothed things over with Karzai since then. Karzai's High Peace Council is signaling it would accept a liaison office for the Taliban office in Qatar - but also warning foreign powers that they cannot keep the Afghan government on the margins.

The detainee transfer may be even more politically explosive for the White House. In discussing the proposal, U.S. officials have stressed the move would be a 'national decision' made in consultation with the U.S. Congress.

Obama is expected to soon sign into law a defense authorization bill whose provisions would broaden the military's power over terrorist detainees and require the Pentagon to certify in most cases that certain security conditions will be met before Guantanamo prisoners can be sent home.

The mere idea of such a transfer is already raising hackles on Capitol Hill, where one key senator last week cautioned the administration against negotiating with "terrorists."

Senator Saxby Chambliss, the top Republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee, said such detainees would "likely continue to pose a threat to the United States" even once they were transferred.


In February, the Afghan High Peace Council named a half-dozen it wanted released as a goodwill gesture. The list included Fazl; senior Taliban military commander Noorullah Noori; former deputy intelligence minister Abdul Haq Wasiq; and Khairullah Khairkhwa, a former interior minister.

All but Khairkhwa were sent to Guantanamo on January 11, 2002, according to the military documents, meaning they were among the first prisoners sent there.

Bruce Riedel, a former CIA and White House official, said Fazl was alleged to have been involved in 'very ugly' violence against Shi'ites, including members of the Hazara ethnic minority, beginning in the late 1990s, and the deaths of Iranian diplomats and journalists at the Iranian consulate in the northern Afghan city of Mazar-i-Sharif in 1998.

Michael Semple, a former UN official with more than two decades of experience in Afghanistan, said Fazl commanded thousands of Taliban soldiers at a time when its army carried out massacres of Shi'ites. "If you're head of an army that carries out a massacre, even if you're not actually there, you are implicated by virtue of command and control responsibility," he said.

He added: "However it does not serve the interests of justice selectively to hold Taliban to account, while so many other figures accused of past crimes are happily reintegrated in Kabul."

Some U.S. military documents - select documents have been released, others were leaked - indicate that Fazl denied being a senior Taliban official and says he only commanded 50 or 60 men. But the overall picture of his role is unclear from the documents which have become public.

Richard Kammen is an Indiana lawyer who has nominally represented Fazl; the detainee did not want an attorney.

"Based upon the public information with which I'm familiar, it would appear his role in things back in 2001 has been significantly exaggerated by the government," Kammen said.

According to the documents, Fazl and Noori surrendered to Abdul Rashid Dostum, now Afghanistan's army chief of staff but at the time a powerful warlord battling against the Taliban, in northern Afghanistan in November 2001.

While the men were being held at the historic Qala-i-Jani fortress in Mazar-i-Sharif, Taliban prisoners revolted against their captors from the Northern Alliance, the anti-Taliban coalition.

"Dostum brought (Fazl and Noori) to the bunker to ask the prisoners to surrender; detainee and (Noori) refused," the detainee assessment from a 2008 document read.

Spann, a one-time Marine captain who was sent to Afghanistan as a CIA operative in the fall of 2001, was trying to locate al Qaeda operatives at the Mazar fortress among a large group of Taliban soldiers who had surrendered, according to the CIA and media reports at the time. When the Taliban prisoners began to riot - many of them were apparently armed - Spann was surrounded and killed. After a bloody, multi-day battle his body was later found booby-trapped.

Even a loose association between Fazl and Spann's death - despite the fact there is nothing to suggest he was directly involved - is likely to increase the temperature of the debate in Washington.

What could be problematic for some Afghans is Fazl's identification with the killing of civilians in central and northern Afghanistan.

"The composition and timing of any release has got to pay attention to Northern Alliance concerns," Semple said.

Buy-in from supporters of that alliance - and from those wary of a resurgent Taliban - will be key in making a peace deal stick, if one can be had.

Despite the congressional concerns that released Taliban will return to the battlefield, Semple said it was unlikely even prisoners like Fazl - who truly was a significant military figure for the Taliban - would alter that equation.

"These people are not going to make a real contribution to the Taliban war effort even if they are able to go over to Quetta and rejoin the fight. It's not risky in battlefield terms; it's only risky in U.S. political terms."

(Additional reporting by Tabassum Zakaria, Patrick Worsnip and Jane Sutton; editing by Claudia Parsons)


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Friday, December 30, 2011

Italy Remains Under Debt Cost Pressure

Italy's borrowing costs have fallen slightly from recent peaks, but have remained at an unsustainable level close to 7% in the latest auction of 10-year government debt.

The high cost keeps intense pressure on the eurozone's third largest economy as the new Prime Minister Mario Monti attempts to tackle the country's debt crisis.

Mr Monti said Italy had more to do to convince the financial markets it can manage its loans, but he said he was encouraged by the outcome of the latest debt auctions.

"We can be a bit relieved," he said, holding up a graph of recent borrowing costs at a news conference.

But he added: "We absolutely don't consider the market turbulence to be over."

Greece, Ireland and Portugal all had to request financial bailouts after their 10-year bond yields pushed above 7%, and next year alone, Italy has some 330bn euros (?277bn) of debt to refinance.

That means it faces an uphill struggle to convince investors it can avoid a disastrous default that could cause another banking crisis.

"You lose market confidence easily; you get it back with constant and continuous efforts," said Mr Monti, quoting Italy's central bank chief.

The Italian leader, who has been in office for just a month and a half following the resignation of Silvio Berlusconi, said his cabinet was preparing a package of measures to get the Italian economy moving again.

It will include efforts to increase competitiveness and flexibility in Italy's labour market, while cracking down on people who avoid paying property taxes.

Meanwhile, the UK's borrowing costs have continued to slide down - at one point reaching below 1.96% on 10-year bonds - as investors view the debt as relatively safe compared to that held by countries in continental Europe.


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Thursday, December 29, 2011

India finish fourth in women's world chess - Thaindian News

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Rolling Meadows High School Student?s Burned Body Found In Mexico

Local Teen Murdered In Mexico

The burned body of Rolling Meadows High School student Alexis Uriel Marr?n, 18, was found in this car in Mexico. (Credit: Agencia Esquema)

UPDATED 12/27/11 1:59 p.m.

IXTL?N DE LOS HERVORES, Michoac?n, Mexico (CBS) ? The badly burned body of a high school student from Rolling Meadows was found inside a charred vehicle in Mexico over the weekend, along with the bodies of two other murder victims.

Alexis Uriel Marr?n, 18, and two other men were found in the trunk of a burned out car around 7 a.m. on Christmas Eve, on a roadside in the town of Ixtl?n de los Hervores, in the Mexican province of Michoac?n about 80 miles southeast of Guadalajara, CNN reported for CBS 2.

Marr?n had been visiting his grandmother in the small town of Quiring?icharo, CNN reported.

Police tell the Daily Herald that the car belonged to another victim, Juan Pedro Estrada Osegeda, 24, who was driving Alexis so he could see his girlfriend. The third victim is identified as Raul T?llez V?zquez, 21.

The car, a black 1997 Mercury, belonged to Osegeda, CNN reported.

The men were not believed to be involved in any sort of criminal activity, police told the Daily Herald.

Chicago Mexican Consulate deputy-in-charge Augustin Rodriguez said says the consulate was aware of the murder but had no statement Tuesday afternoon.

The consulate is standing by to respond to any petitions from the family for assistance, but so far has not received any requests.

Meanwhile, two Facebook pages have been set up in Marr?n?s memory. One urges friends and classmates to wear red on Tuesday, Jan. 3, in his honor.

The Daily Herald reported Marr?n was recognized as a high school achiever in the 2010 National Spanish Examinations.


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Afghanistan cabinet OKs oil deal with China's CNPC

KABUL - Afghanistan's cabinet cleared the way for the war-torn state to sign a deal with China National Petroleum Corp (CNPC) for the development of oil blocks in the Amu Darya basin, the Afghan president's office said on Monday.

The deal covering drilling and a refinery in the northern provinces of Sar-e Pul and Faryab will be the first international oil production agreement entered into by the Afghan government for several decades.

It marks the second major deal for China in Afghanistan after Metallurgical Corp of China signed a contract in 2008 to develop the huge Aynak copper mine south of Kabul, which is due to start producing by the end of 2014.

"The Afghan cabinet has ordered Mines Minister Wahidullah Shahrani to sign an oil exploration contract for Amu Darya with China National Petroleum Corporation," the statement said.

Jawad Omar, a spokesman for the mines ministry, said the contract would be signed on Wednesday.

State-owned CNPC and joint venture partner Watan Group -- a diversified Afghan company -- will explore for oil in three fields in the basin - Kashkari, Bazarkhami and Zamarudsay, which are estimated to hold around 87 million barrels of oil.

Under the contract, CNPC will agree to pay a 15 percent royalty on oil, a 20 percent corporate tax and give up to 70 percent of its profit from the project to the Afghan government.

The mines ministry said in October that the deal was likely to result in government revenues of $5 billion over the next 10 years.

Indian and Chinese bidders have been front-runners for deals to develop Afghanistan's vast mineral deposits, which are valued at $3 trillion, worrying Western firms that have hesitated to invest in the country due to security concerns.

Experts have warned that mining projects in Afghanistan are likely targets for insurgents, that production and transport costs will be high and that sovereign risk is a serious concern.

But China and India, where demand for energy and industrial inputs is booming, are willing to take risks to secure supplies.

Copyright 2011 Reuters. Click for restrictions.


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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

31 injured in jet's crash-landing in Kyrgyzstan

A Soviet-built jet operated by a Kyrgyz carrier broke its wing, overturned and caught fire Wednesday as it tried to land in deep fog in southern Kyrgyzstan, leaving 31 people injured, officials said.

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The Soviet-built Tu-134 operated by local carrier Kyrgyzstan had flown from the capital Bishkek and was trying to land at the airport in the city of Osh, said Ilyas Egemberdiyev, a spokesman for the airline.

PhotoBlog: Plane flips, catches on fire

Rescuers quickly extinguished the fire and evacuated 82 passengers and six crewmembers. Emergency Situations Minister Kubatbek Boronov said that 31 people were injured, and 17 of them were hospitalized.

Officials declined to comment on possible causes of the crash. A team of top officials led by the nation's prime minister was to fly to Osh to start a probe, but it had to delay the trip because of thick fog and strong winds in the area.

The twin-engined Tu-134, along with its larger sibling the Tu-154, has been the workhorse of Soviet and Russian civil aviation since the 1960s, with more than 800 planes built. It also has remained in service with many post-Soviet carriers.

In recent years, Russia and other former Soviet nations have had some of the world's worst air traffic safety records. Experts blame poor maintenance of the aging aircraft, weak government controls, insufficient pilot training and a cost-cutting mentality. Emergency Situations Minister Kubatbek Boronov said the plane flying from the Kyrgyz capital Bishkek was damaged when it made a rough landing in Osh. He didn't elaborate, but eyewitnesses said the jet rolled off the runway, broke its wing, overturned and caught fire.

Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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The 'growing' wealth gap between Congress and constituents: By the numbers (The Week)

New York ? According to new data, the median net worth of a House member is 35 times that of an average American

The economic disparity between U.S. Congress members and the constituents they represent is growing, according to new data from the Center for Responsive Politics. Between 2004 and 2010, the median net worth of members of Congress jumped 15 percent, while the median net worth for the average American dropped eight percent. This is concerning, says Peter Whoriskey at The Washington Post, because "the growth of income inequality has tracked very closely with measures of political polarization." Here?s how the widening gap breaks down:

Median net worth of a House member in 1984, adjusted for inflation, according to The Washington Post

Median net worth of a House member in 2009, an increase of 160 percent over 25 years

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Median net worth of a Congress member when the Senate body is included, according to The New York Times

Median net worth of an average American in 1984, adjusted for inflation

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Median net worth of an average American in 2009, a decline over that same 25-year period

35.4 times
How much more the median net value of a House member is worth than that of the average American

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Annual base pay for a member of Congress

Mean annual salary for employed Americans in 2010, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics

Median net worth of the freshman class of Congress elected last year

Increase, in percentage, adjusted for inflation, of the 2010 freshmen's median net worth over that of the 2004 freshmen

Amount Rep. Ed Pastor (D - Ariz.) held in his saving account when he was first elected to Congress in 1991, according to The New York Times. In his 20 years serving Congress, he has managed to save nearly a million dollars.

$1.4 million
Average amount spent by winning House candidates on their election campaigns last year

4 times
Increase in the average cost of a 2010 congressional campaign over that of a 1975 campaign, adjusted for inflation. "Running a campaign has become much, much more expensive," says Whoriskey, making it more likely that those who choose to run are already wealthy and can contribute their own funds to a campaign.
Sources: Balloon Juice, Bureau of Labor Statisitics, NY Times, Prairie Weather, Wash. Post

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    Tuesday, December 27, 2011

    Eufaula Mayor reports stolen golf clubs

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    Mozilla and Google agree on search engine

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    Myanmar News.Net
    Sunday 25th December, 2011

    Mozilla, a non-profit Internet company in the US has made a deal with Google.

    The company has said it expects to see a leap in revenue following its decision to continue to use Google as the default search engine in Mozilla's Firefox Web browser.

    The deal, which will remain in place for three years is believed to be worth $900 million for Mozilla.

    The large amount should greatly increase Mozilla's revenue, which was $123 million for 2010.

    Much of the money came from Google ad revenue.



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    Monday, December 26, 2011

    How Juarez, Mexico, Police Chief Is Controlling the "Narco Dream"

    Saturday, December 24, 2011 09:06

    Juli?n Leyzaola, 51, is Mexico?s most renowned and controversial policeman, reports the New York Times. As violence has declined in his city of Ju?rez, with murders down by around a third over the last year, complaints of human rights abuses by the police have increased, including some against the chief himself.

    ?We?re seeing the results we asked for,? said Federico Ziga, president of the Ciudad Ju?rez restaurant association. ?Not everyone agrees on the cause, but the results are there.? Leyzaola tells the Times he has long aimed to destroy the ?narco dream? by showing that the authorities could take away ?their guns, their cars, their drugs, their money.? Like a boxer or wrestler, he treats his tough-guy image as a necessary tactic. In Tijuana, he punched a dead cartel gunman in the face as bystanders watched. There and here, he insists on calling criminals ?mugrosos,? or slimeballs.


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    Saffron Spice Fights Liver Cancer | Green Prophet

    saffron flower, stamen anti-cancer, cancerResearchers in Al Ain find that saffron can protect your liver from cancer.

    Great news just in time for Christmas: Arab scientists from the United Arab Emirates have located anti-cancer compounds in the much loved and expensive spice saffron. Known for centuries as a home remedy, the research project led by Professor Amr Amin from the United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, found that saffron is able to suppress a large variety of cancer compounds. This news reported in the journal Hepetology, puts saffron in the ranks of cancer fighter along with another much-loved Asian spice, tumeric.

    In the experiment on saffron, the researchers found that saffron is able to boost compounds in the body to help the body fight off cancer.?We are excited to learn more about the molecular aspects of how saffron works, we are strong believers that an immediate clinical trial [testing saffron in liver cancer patients] will benefit a wide spectrum of cancer patients not only in the UAE but worldwide as well,? Amin told the Gulf News.

    The experiment used rats who were given liver cancer. A control group did not receive saffron, while an experimental group did. Seventy-five percent of the rats in the control group developed cancer, versus 16% in the saffron group which did not. Those rats that got the highest doses of saffron did not develop cancer nodules at all.

    The researcher believes that the molecules in saffron can also fight off a range of cancers, and they are planning on revealing more research in this direction soon.

    In the journal the researchers concluded: ?This study provides evidence that saffron exerts a significant chemopreventive effect against liver cancer through inhibition of cell proliferation and induction of apoptosis. This report also shows some evidence that saffron protects rat liver from cancer via modulating oxidative damage and suppressing inflammatory response.?

    Saffron, one of the most expensive spices on the market, comes from the stamen of the saffron flower. It is used in Arab and Central Asian cuisine, but its cancer-fighting properties have only been tested recently. Amin believes that it can also fightdepression, inflammation and memory loss.

    Another Middle East wonder spice, saffron joins tumeric, and black cumin seeds (and oil) for potentially remarkable cancer-fighting properties. Now we just need a recipe that includes all three.

    ::Gulf News

    Image via klearchos


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    Sunday, December 25, 2011

    Gingrich ethics case from 15 years ago leaves scar (The Arizona Republic)

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    Fighting Stereotypes in the U.K. (Powerlineblog)

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    Insanely Detailed Book Sculptures Should Be Featured In National Geographic [Image Cache]

    Among other things, Guy Laramee makes sculptures from books. They are amazing, from the level of detail and the textures to the way he presents them. Some of them have a magical aura, like this one, titled Book People. More »


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    Friday, December 23, 2011

    Behold the Horrors of Mutant Taxidermy [Art]

    How far must we go for art? Judging by the work of taxidermist/artist Enrique Gomez de Molina, holy crap very far. For using a hodgepodge of endangered animals for his work, homeboy is facing five years in jail. Beat that, Picasso! More »


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    Suit renews fraud claims against NFL, Cowboys

    DALLAS (AP) - Super Bowl ticket-holders displaced during the February seating fiasco at Cowboys Stadium filed court documents, renewing fraud claims against the NFL and the Dallas Cowboys.

    The Wednesday filings in Dallas accuse the league and Cowboys owner Jerry Jones of recklessness in pushing for a new Super Bowl attendance record at the Cowboys' new stadium and doing nothing to discourage attendance.

    That's despite no league and Cowboys responses to Arlington building inspectors' warnings that permits hadn't been sought for temporary seating being installed for the game. Eventually, 1,250 temporary seats were declared unsafe just hours before the game.

    A judge dismissed previous fraud allegations and claims against the Cowboys, but allowed the ticketholders to amend their claims.

    Cowboys spokesman Rich Dalrymple declined comment. NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy called the claims meritless.

    Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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    Thursday, December 22, 2011

    Tax cut fight ends ugly year for Boehner (AP)

    WASHINGTON ? John Boehner vowed early on that as speaker, he would let the House "work its will." At the end of his first year in charge of the fractious Republican-controlled chamber, it's clear he has little choice.

    An uncompromising band of conservatives, led by GOP freshmen to whom Boehner owes his speakership, has repeatedly forced him to back away from deals with President Barack Obama, Democrats and, this week, even one struck by Senate Republicans. Gridlock, again and again, has defined Congress in the Boehner era even as Americans fume and the economy continues to wobble.

    In a closed meeting Monday night, a few Republicans gave voice to widely whispered questions about Boehner's ability and willingness to represent them in negotiations with the White and Senate. They were incensed that the Senate had overwhelmingly passed a two-month extension of a payroll tax cut for 160 million Americans and then left town for the holidays. House Republicans were demanding a year-long tax cut, but there was no longer a Senate in session to negotiate with.

    How could this have happened, Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., asked Boehner, according to multiple officials who were present.

    Rep. Cliff Stearns was more direct: Was the Senate deal really a total surprise? Or did Boehner give some sort of tacit agreement?

    Boehner tersely, adamantly denied doing so, according to those present. He said he had not expected the Senate's overwhelming approval of the two-month extension.

    "I take the speaker at his word that he was surprised by the strong support for the payroll tax legislation in the Senate, which approved it with 89 votes, including from 39 Republicans," Stearns said Tuesday in a statement to The Associated Press.

    Did Rep. Jeff Flake believe Boehner? "Oh, I don't know," said the Arizona Republican, grinning and edging away. "You'll have to ask the leaders that."

    Boehner "has told us he did not agree to this," said Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C. "I am not a mind reader, and I can only go on what the speaker has said."

    At midday Tuesday, the House rejected the Senate's two-month extension, leaving hanging the fate of the tax cut for 160 million Americans, unemployment benefits for 2 million more, and Medicare reimbursements for physicians to treat 48 million Medicare beneficiaries. As it now stands, Social Security taxes on workers will by up to $40 a week on Jan. 1, people out of work for more than six months will start losing jobless benefits and doctors will see their fees for treating Medicare patients cut 27 percent.

    It was an ugly end to a year of gridlock on Capitol Hill that earned Congress historically low approval ratings and the nation a downgrade in its credit rating. The policy debate changed, but the question was the same each time: Compromise, or no deal?

    First was the fight last spring over how many billions of dollars to cut from the 2011 federal budget after talks strayed far below the Republicans' campaign promise to slash $100 billion. Rather than standing firm and allowing parts of the government to shut down until enough lawmakers came around, Boehner did exactly what the tea partiers campaigned had campaigned against ? he negotiated with Obama and Senate Democrats on smaller spending cuts.

    "Cut it or shut it!" chanted a crowd of tea partiers outside the Capitol.

    OK as a campaign slogan, but not a viable technique for lawmaking in a divided government. Some of the 87-member freshman class, swept to power by tea party enthusiasm, insisted that Boehner rewrite the GOP proposal. He did, and submitted instead a proposal to cut about $61 billion_ the pro-rated remainder of conservatives' campaign pledge to cut $100 billion in the 2011 budget year.

    Moments before the government was set to shut down, most of the freshman class voted for the final, six-month deal to cut $38.5 billion.

    Soon followed the showdown over whether to raise the nation's debt limit. Deficit cuts totaling $2 trillion or more over a decade would be the price for Congress to raise the nation's $14.3 trillion debt ceiling and continue borrowing 35 to 40 cents of every dollar it spends. Failure to lift that cap could cause the U.S. government to default on its bills and previous borrowing for the first time in its history. Experts warned the cascading reaction in world financial markets could trigger another recession.

    Massive spending cuts were mandatory, and raising taxes was out of the question, Republicans said. Boehner assigned his lieutenant, Majority Leader Eric Cantor, to negotiate a blend of spending cuts into the deal with Vice President Joe Biden. But Boehner was meeting secretly with Obama on a grander deal to cut as much as $4 trillion. House Republicans were furious when they learned about it, and the speaker broke off his talks with the president.

    In the end, Congress agreed to a deal cutting spending by more than $2 trillion and raising the debt limit by nearly the same amount. But the bill was still highly unpopular among House conservatives who felt it didn't go far enough in slashing government spending.

    And finally, the end-of-year debate over the payroll tax cut. The House voted Tuesday, 229-193, to kick the measure back to the Senate, where the bipartisan two-month measure passed on Saturday. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., says he won't allow bargaining until the House approves the Senate's short-term measure.

    Back to gridlock.

    The speaker's allies say his patience and his willingness to pull back is preventing conservatives from trying to replace him.

    "It's a maturation process" for the House's feisty newcomers, said Rep. Steve LaTourette, a fellow Ohioan and close Boehner ally. "They came to town not knowing how this place works. Now that they have a year under their belts, we're in a much better place going into next year."


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