Friday, October 26, 2012

Guest Blogger: Master Bedroom Decorating Ideas for Rest & Romance

Guest Blogger #749, Entry #1752, October 24, 2012

Does your master bedroom make you want to yawn, even in the middle of the day? No worries! Turning your bland bedroom into a romantic, restful, and relaxing abode is easy as pie with with these super simple master bedroom decorating ideas.

romantic bedroom ideas

Create the ultimate bedroom for rest and romance

Let the Walls Work for You

You can enhance the mood of your bedroom instantly with the right color. Infuse the room with a passion color like deep lavender or earthen browns, ranging from pale caramel to rich chocolate browns. Staying on the warm side of the color palette promotes restful sleep and amps up the spice factor to the boudoir as well.
Create a custom wall mural from your favorite digital photo and use it as the focal point in your bedroom. From your honeymoon to your latest couple?s getaway, find your best romantic photo and let the memories work their magic!

Advice from the Ritz? and Mom

All the finest hotels in the world can?t be wrong when it comes to using crisp white linens. Take a hint from them and invest in a good set or two of your own. The same goes for summer and winter comforters. Get outside the ?bed in a bag? thinking and find bed covers that feel and look amazing.

romantic bedroom

Lighting, linens and decor make the perfect master bedroom

Once you have your linens, be sure to wash your sheets once a week minimum and launder the comforters seasonally (and as needed). And remember what Mom taught you- always make your bed. Nothing is as inviting as fresh clean sheets and a well-made bed.

Rethink the Lights

Switch out those old table lamps and go for wall sconces instead. These will tastefully frame your bed and free up nightstand space at the same time (fresh flowers anyone?). For a cozy colorful glow, go for a pair of Tiffany inspired sconces hung on either side of the bed. For a more elegant look, choose crystal chandelier style sconces with scrolling gold accents.
And instead of the expected boring ceiling fan above, consider crowning your room with a signature lighting piece. Whether this is a sleek Ikea design, a Japanese-inspired paper lantern creation, or a fabulous vintage thrift store chandelier, dim out the lights and bask under the romantic glow.

Hong Kong Wall Mural in Bedroom

Create a room that is full of light and inspiration

Peace and Quiet

For the best quality sleep possible, keep the bedroom an electronics-free zone. Reassign computers, cellphone chargers, and televisions to other rooms to create a sanctuary of uninterrupted quiet. If you can?t do without the TV, keep it tucked away and turned off in an armoire when not in use.


Creating a restful and romantic master bedroom is as easy as paying attention to a few important details like the ones mentioned here. Let these simple master bedroom decorating ideas inspire you to design a room that you just can?t wait to come home to.


Find wall murals perfect for the master bedroom or create your very own custom wall murals with your digital photos at

Image sources: 1, 2

For more bedroom ideas on Stagetecture, click here.


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United has rough third quarter

FILE -In this Thursday, July 12, 2012, file photo, United Airlines CEO Jeff Smisek accepts a a model of Boeing's new 737 Max 9 from Boeing Commercial Airplanes CEO Ray Conner, left, during a news conference, in Chicago.was a rough third quarter for United Airlines. United Airlines released its third quarter earning Thursday, Oct. 25, 2012, Travelers stayed away, frustrated by technology glitches from United?s merger with Continental. And a huge accounting charge wiped out most of its profit. (AP Photo/M. Spencer Green, File)

FILE -In this Thursday, July 12, 2012, file photo, United Airlines CEO Jeff Smisek accepts a a model of Boeing's new 737 Max 9 from Boeing Commercial Airplanes CEO Ray Conner, left, during a news conference, in Chicago.was a rough third quarter for United Airlines. United Airlines released its third quarter earning Thursday, Oct. 25, 2012, Travelers stayed away, frustrated by technology glitches from United?s merger with Continental. And a huge accounting charge wiped out most of its profit. (AP Photo/M. Spencer Green, File)

It was a rough third quarter for United Airlines.

Travelers stayed away, frustrated by technology glitches from United's merger with Continental. And a huge accounting charge wiped out most of its profit.

United's performance weakened by every measure important to airlines: Per-passenger revenue fell 2.6 percent, and was down in every part of the world except for the Pacific. Traffic decreased 1.5 percent. Yield, which measures fares paid, slipped 1.2 percent.

Net income for United Continental Holdings Inc. dropped to $6 million, or 2 cents per share, from $653 million, or $1.69 per share, a year earlier.

Its most recent profit would have been bigger if not for a special charge for a preliminary agreement with its pilots. But excluding that charge, its profit of $1.35 per share was still 12 cents less than analysts expected, according to FactSet.

Revenue fell 2.6 percent to $9.91 billion, also below analyst expectations.

By comparison, Delta's passenger revenue rose 1 percent during the most recent quarter, and yield rose 3 percent. The rival airline posted a $1.05 billion profit, with an assist from bets on fuel prices.

United planned ahead for some of the traffic reduction by reducing flying capacity 1.4 percent. Airlines have been increasingly aggressive about cutting capacity to keep the number of seats they offer in line with demand, so they can keep fares higher.

United booked a $454 million charge to cover future lump-sum payments to pilots. United also recorded $60 million in integration expenses for merging the two airlines. That money covered repainting planes, merging computer systems, and charges for getting rid of facilities that the combined airline no longer needs.

Shares of the Chicago-based airline fell 77 cents, or 3.8 percent, to $19.50 in midday trading.

Associated Press


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Extensive security arrangements being made for Eid - Pakistan Today

KARACHI?-?IG Sindh Police Fayyaz Leghari on Thursday said that the Sindh police will put in place an elaborated security plan during upcoming Eid-ul-Azha to effectively deal with any law and order situation.

Talking to media persons outside the Supreme Court, Karachi Registery, Leghari said that around 20,000 police force will be deployed during Eid-ul-Azha across the city. Deployment will be made in sensitive areas and mosques for Eid prayers.

He said that different political parties and groups have agreed upon a code of conduct for collection of hides of sacrificial animals.

Leghari denied reports that animals have been shot in old city area for collection of extortion money.

Obama backs gay marriage measures in 3 states

President Barack Obama on Thursday threw his support behind ballot measures in Maine, Maryland and Washington state that would legalize same-sex marriage.

Though the president first voiced his general approval for gay marriage in May, he had not previously offered specific endorsements of the three measures.

In each case, the endorsements were issued through the state branches of Obama's re-election campaign.

"While the president does not weigh in on every single ballot measure in every state, the president believes in treating everyone fairly and equally, with dignity and respect," said Paul Bell, the campaign's press secretary in Washington state.

"Washington's same-sex marriage law would treat all Washington couples equally, and that is why the president supports a vote to approve Referendum 74," Bell said.

In Maine, gay-rights supporters put the measure on this year's ballot in hopes of reversing the results of a 2009 referendum in which voters rejected a same-sex marriage law passed by the legislature.

In Maryland and Washington, gay-marriage laws were passed by lawmakers and signed by the governors earlier this year, but opponents collected enough signatures to hold referendums on whether the laws should be upheld or rejected.

Ed Murray, an openly gay state senator in Washington who has been fighting for years to legalize gay marriage, expressed gratitude to Obama.

"When I first began fighting in the legislature for marriage equality ... I would never have dared to dream that a president of the United States would one day step forward at this crucial moment, in the middle of his own close re-election campaign, to offer his support for our efforts," Murray said. "But that is exactly what President Obama done, and it is an example of his courage and leadership."

Murray said his hope was to soon be able to wed his partner of 21 years, and he thanked Obama for "bringing that dream a little closer to reality."

Chip White of Preserve Marriage Washington, which opposes the gay-marriage law, said he was unsurprised by Obama's action.

"Until May of this year, the president's position was that marriage is the union of one man and one woman," White said. "No one called him a bigot or said he was unfair for holding that position. And Washingtonians who believe in the traditional definition of marriage as one man and one woman are not bigots."

If any of the measures are approved, it would be the first time that a state legalized same-sex marriage through a popular vote. Thus far, all 32 states voting on gay marriage have rebuffed it, while the six states that have legalized it did so through legislation or court orders.

In all three states voting on the issue on Nov. 6, the outcome is expected to be close, though the polls up to now have given an edge to gay-marriage supporters.


Associated Press writer Rachel La Corte in Olympia, Wash., contributed to this report.


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Hybrid of Sandy, winter storm eyes East Coast

Hurricane Sandy, strengthening rapidly after crossing the warm Caribbean Sea, slammed into southeastern Cuba early on Thursday with 110 mph winds that cut power and blew over trees across the city of Santiago de Cuba.

The storm has a 70 percent chance of smacking the Northeast and mid-Atlantic next week, with gale-force winds, flooding, heavy rain and maybe even snow, government scientists said Wednesday.

Forecasters said the storm slated to hit the country's most populous corridor will be an unusual hybrid of hurricane and winter storm ? an early winter storm in the West and a blast of arctic air from the North are predicted to collide.

The eye of the Category 2 storm came ashore just west of Santiago de Cuba, 470 miles southeast of the capital Havana, with waves up to 29 feet and a six-foot storm surge that caused extensive coastal flooding, Jose Rubiera of the Cuban weather service said in a television report.

Story: Hurricane Sandy lashes Cuba; Northeast next week?

Rubiera held the phone up to a window so viewers could hear Sandy's roaring winds that he said had left the city "completely dark" and created a "very tense" situation.

Heavy rains were falling throughout the storm-stricken region, with forecasters predicting six to 12 inches for most areas and as much as 20 inches in isolated places.

Rubiera said Sandy had intensified rapidly as it neared land fueled by 88-degree waters on its way from Jamaica, struck earlier in the day by the storm when it was still at Category 1 on the five-step Saffir-Simpson hurricane intensity scale.

A Category 2 storm has winds between 96 and 110 mph, leaving Sandy within a whisker of becoming a Category 3 hurricane.

The National Hurricane Center in Miami reported gusts up to 114 mph, but Rubiera said a weather station on the Gran Piedra, a mountainous outcropping near Santiago de Cuba, had a gusts up to 152 mph.

At least 55,000 people had been evacuated ahead of Sandy, Cuban officials said, principally because of expected flooding.

Billion-dollar storm?
"It'll be a rough couple days from Hatteras up to Cape Cod," said forecaster Jim Cisco of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration prediction center in College Park, Md. "We don't have many modern precedents for what the models are suggesting."

It is likely to hit during a full moon when tides are near their highest, increasing coastal flooding potential, NOAA forecasts warn. And with some trees still leafy and the potential for snow, power outages could last to Election Day, some meteorologists fear. They say it has all the earmarks of a billion-dollar storm.

Video: Hurricane Sandy could shift into East Coast nor?easter (on this page)

Some have compared it to the so-called Perfect Storm that struck off the coast of New England in 1991, but Cisco said that one didn't hit as populated an area and is not comparable to what the East Coast may be facing. Nor is it like last year's Halloween storm, which was merely an early snowstorm in the Northeast.

This has much more mess potential because it is a combination of different storm types that could produce a real whopper of weather problems, meteorologists say.

"The Perfect Storm only did $200 million of damage and I'm thinking a billion," said Jeff Masters, meteorology director of the private service Weather Underground. "Yeah, it will be worse."

Interactive: Cubans brace for Hurricane Sandy (on this page)

But this is several days in advance, when weather forecasts are far less accurate. The National Hurricane Center only predicts five days in advance, and on Wednesday their forecasts had what's left of Sandy off the North Carolina coast on Monday. But the hurricane center's chief hurricane specialist, James Franklin, said the threat keeps increasing for "a major impact in the Northeast, New York area. In fact it would be such a big storm that it would affect all of the Northeast."

The forecasts keep getting gloomier and more convincing with every day, several experts said.

Cisco said the chance of the storm smacking the East jumped from 60 percent to 70 percent on Wednesday. Masters was somewhat skeptical on Tuesday, giving the storm scenario just a 40 percent likelihood, but on Wednesday he also upped that to 70 percent. The remaining computer models that previously hadn't shown the merger and mega-storm formation now predict a similar scenario.

The biggest question mark is snow, and that depends on where the remnants of Sandy turn inland. The computer model that has been leading the pack in predicting the hybrid storm has it hitting around Delaware. But another model has the storm hitting closer to Maine. If it hits Delaware, the chances of snow increase in that region. If it hits farther north, chances for snow in the mid-Atlantic and even up to New York are lessened, Masters said.

NOAA's Cisco said he could see the equivalent of several inches of snow or rain in the mid-Atlantic, depending on where the storm ends up. In the mountains, snow may be measured in feet instead of inches.

The Associated Press and Reuters contributed to this report.


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