Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Directory Of Ezines

The Internet has come a long way from just being a tool for entertainment and data or just publishing of websites. It is now a gold mine for making money. There are many genuine and legitimate opportunities to make money online.

The greatest advantage of working online is the fact that it allows you to work from home on at your on time and at your convenience, you choose the date and time to work, you choose your off days, you choose your holidays and most importantly you can choose ?How Much You Will Earn?. Well now there?s a brand new system for making some real money online, and it?s called The Directory of Ezines!

This work at home business opportunity is open to all including housewives, teens, students, retired persons and even working men or women who want to quit their jobs. A computer, an internet connection and some working knowledge of internet and website marketing are the basic requirements. ?That?s Easy?

Some of these popular options include stock market, forex trading, AdSense, affiliate marketing, sell on eBay, get paid to give your opinion or review a product. If you are like most of our visitors, you have probably tried a few things (maybe even spent some money ? or a lot of money) but things are still not working the way you thought they would, and you need something to start working now.

If that sounds like you, I have some very good news to share with you.
That good news is that you are about to discover the world of ezines and ezine advertising, and discover how ezines can be the solution to your website promotion challenge.

Allow me to share with you that formula right now. As I teach in my
-one consultations, marketing on the Internet is not a mystery, it?s a process. And here is that process in a nutshell.

I call it the 1-2-3 of Internet marketing.

1. Advertising creates visitors
2. Visitors become buyers
3. Buyers become customers and purchase many times.

Did you know that you can spend a fortune on ?guaranteed hits? and all of your time trying to get ?free traffic? and still make ZERO money?

I can say that because we just did that very thing ? we bought 200,000 ?guaranteed hits? from a very well respected company and made ZERO sales!

That?s right ? ZERO sales. $ 500 down the drain! We couldn?t get our money back and we made ZERO sales! Sound familiar?

Why did we not make sales? We?ve been online since 1998, and know that we makes sales when we run ads and get visitors from Google, so it had to be something else!

The reason is this. While it WAS traffic, it was NOT high quality targeted traffic. It was not the kind of traffic where the person knows what I do and comes to my site interested and ready to buy!

I needed buyers, not ?clicks? or ?hits? and certainly not some 14 year old (in who knows where) registering on my hit counter as ?visitor?.

The good news is that marketing with ezines creates HIGHLY TARGETED TRAFFIC!

If you are tired of wasting time and money, and want to use the marketing method that has been proven effective for over 10 years ? you want to know about ezines!

Ezines deliver highly targeted traffic made up of people who WILL buy because they ALREADY KNOW what you offer and are interested BEFORE they go to your site!

Wasting money online is easy to do and very frustrating! If you have experienced that frustration, you are going to love how easy it is to use and profit from the Directory of Ezines!

To succeed with ezines you need the facts. No hype. No bull. Just the facts about how ezines can help you achieve your goals online.

And on this page you will get the facts. You will discover what ezines are, plus the three ways you can begin using ezines today to create the success you deserve.
There is great potential to earn a handsome income with Ezines because you can achieve good rankings in Google and Yahoo in a short period using some simple techniques and without spending a dime. You also have unlimited opportunities to monetize your website.

When your ads or article gets in front of these INTERESTED readers, good things begin to happen for you very quickly.

When you match your offer to an ezine that reaches your target market, you have tapped in to a pool of highly qualified leads that are eager to know more, and that is the key to succeeding with ezines.

People who want to know more about advertising BUY advertising related products.
They read ezines about advertising.

People who want to know more about health or weight loss BUY health related products like vitamins, weight loss products, diet books, recipes, and more.
They read ezines about health and fitness.

People who want to know more about how to make money online invest in business opportunities, BUY autoresponder services, BUY web site builders, BUY leads, ad trackers, eBooks, seminars, and much more.
They read business opportunity and Internet marketing ezines!
The BIG SECRET to success with ezines is to target your offer to the right audience. Your goal is to put YOUR AD in front of these highly motivated readers.

And no one helps you do that better, or more personally, than the world?s first Directory of Ezines.

I?am a affiliate marketer, for about 1 year now. I market clickbank and payDOT.com products and promote 16 other websites. Born in Texas and now live here in Seattle Washington. Most of what our main goals are to just help other online marketers get started in this business. I also own 22 websites and 10 membership site where i?am an affiliate to. My newest projects are video and article marketing. Address at 10002 Aurora Ave N 1187 suite 36 Seattle Wa 98133, James Williams
Submit to ArticleSnatch.com

Source: http://www.1directory.net/internet-and-businesses-online/directory-of-ezines-6565.html

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