Friday, April 13, 2012

Cancers with no symptoms.? | Bone Cancer Blog

Cancers with no symptoms.?

Pancreatic cancer is notorious for this. Generally if you hear that someone has it, it means they are going to die within 5 years (usually less).

There are many other cancers that have symptoms that are non-specific, meaning they are common to many other passing illnesses. Stomach cancer presents with things like indigestion and gas in the earlier stages. If not for regular checks, breast cancer wouldn?t be detected until in its later stages. Skin cancer is another one that does not show symptoms, if you don?t look for them.

This is one reason why cancer is so devastating. Many forms are not caught until in stages 3 and 4, meaning they have spread to other parts of the body. When we talk about survival rates for stage 4 cancer, we?re usually talking about people who?ve made it 5 years, not necessarily those who have beaten it.

Like the first person said, pancreatic cancer is an example of cancer that shows no symptoms.

My father passed away from pancreatic cancer. His symptoms started in the fall of 2006 (around October). He had a little bit of pain in his chest- he thought it was heartburn. His blood sugar went crazy. He was diabetic, so his doctor blamed it on the diabetes. In order to get his diabetes under control, he started dieting, so he thought nothing about it when he dropped 50 lbs quickly.

He kept noticing little symptoms, so he went to see another doctor. He had all sorts of tests performed- nothing showed up. Finally, in December of 2006, one of his doctors did a CT scan. The scan showed a tumor on his pancreas. His cancer was Stage 3.

Before he got sick, my dad was 6?3?, 250 lbs. He died in June 2007. When he died, he weighed about 140 lbs.

So, from diagnosis to death, my dad lived 6 months. His doctors told us the tumor appeared to have been there for several years. Pancreatic cancer is a nasty, brutal disease. In most cases, by the time the diagnosis is made, it?s too late. I think it deserves the amount of attention breast cancer receives.

Ovarian Cervical Uterine Cancer

No symptoms till last stage and spread to other body parts.

I think there must be quite a number of them, and that it also depends on the person. Some people fight illnesses better than others. Mine didn?t present at all. I went from having a random mammogram to finding out I was in stage 4 breast cancer all in 1 afternoon. All I had was a small dimple under one arm pit.

Hi,I did the following:
Cancer symptoms and Cancer Hospitals

Article by Vanni Jain

1. Cancer is a cell disease whose occurrence is found mainly due to the abnormal growth of cells. There is uncontrolled cell division as well. These cells develop the capacity to attack other tissues. This is also termed as malignancy which is a form of cancer tumor.2. Many cancer symptoms are noted in various specific types of cancer. They are very specific types. There is persistent pain in bones, unusual bleeding, and swelling in the breast, nausea, continual gruffness, changed bladder habits and many swelling problems.3. Some specific symptoms are exhibited by each cancer type. If a person suffers from kidney and bladder cancer, the main cancer symptoms are blood in urine, frequent urination and pain during urination. 4. The main symptoms of breast cancer are burning or pain, swelling, problems in nipples and reddishness.5. The symptoms of uterine and cervical cancer are similar as well. The major symptoms include painful and heavy menstrual periods, unusual discharge etc. The person who suffers from colon cancer has symptoms such as change in bowel habits, stool with blood, constipation and unrelenting diarrhea. 6. The major symptoms of leukemia are tiredness, decreasing weight, nose bleeding, pain in joints and bones and recurring infections.7. The lung cancer symptoms include chest pain and heaviness, and continual blood and cough in the sputum. 8. The symptoms of throat and mouth cancer include ulcers in the throat and tongue which cannot be cured. 9. The flow of urine is weakened by prostate cancer. Continuous pain is felt by the patient in his upper thighs and pelvis. There are various tumors below the skin that will not heal. The main cause of skin cancer is the skin moles. 10. A person who is suffering from stomach cancer shows symptoms such as pain and vomiting after eating and a fall in the body weight. 11. The main causes of cancer are digestive enzymes and lack of fats. There is sometimes a presence of poison in the food as well. Sometimes, this occurs due to too much of drug intake, deficiency of minerals, hormonal disparity and pathogens which affect the immune system.

While choosing cancer hospitals one should be very careful. The hospital offering the latest facilities and equipments must be chosen. Cancer treatments differ to a great extent. Thus, a hospital should be chosen accordingly. The signs and symptoms of caner are quite varied and depend on several factors like where the cancer is located, the extent of spread, and how big the tumour is. Some cancers can be felt or seen through the skin? like breast cancer may be felt as a lump and skin cancer may appear as a change in a wart or mole on the skin or a new growth.

About the Author

Get information in this article about some important type 1 diabetes facts. For more information on <a href=? author has given information in this article about cancer symptoms and cancer hospitals. For more information on cancer visit>type 1 diabetes mellitus visit Onlymyhealth.

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