Thursday, June 7, 2012

Ashes to Ashes, Blood for Blood

Ashes to Ashes, Blood for Blood

It's only been a few years since the war ended. Now all that's left in the world is a few broken cities and a couple thousand people who would have been luckier to die in the blasts. Don't people ever learn? Don't fight fire with fire, you'll just burn.


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This looks interesting, however, I have some questions. What was the war fought over? Who participated? Where do we start (what location)? Why no one over 22? Does this take place in the future?

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Well, the war was fought over what most wars start with. Differences. Some countries just hate each other, some wanted to spread their beliefs to other countries, some just wanted to be the most powerful. This one was a combination of a lot of different things and basically ended up where everyone pointed bombs at each other and pulled the trigger. Most of the main countries participated. I haven't really decided yet where exactly we're starting. I'm not sure if I want the whole group of people that we have already together, or just meeting one another or what. As for the no one over 22, I just didn't want any maaaajor age differences in the group. Since this is ten years after the war, they would have been pretty young when the bombings took place. No, this doesn't take place in the future. It's around the same time as we're in now, so the technology would have been the same. I hope that answers everything.

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Fight The Tears
Member for 1 years

I loved the opening paragraph and the story kept me totally interested xD As English teacher geeky that might of sounded, it was the only way I knew to put it. I might be joining! But I don't like large roleplays, so I'll wait to see how many others will join ^^" If that's okay with you, FT. I have a character idea in mind, though.

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Member for 1 years

Hmm. The idea seems interesting. If I can find a picture I like well enough (seeing as I get character ideas from pictures), then I will definitely join.

"Look into my eyes, my dear. Enter into my soul, and fall asleep in my heart."

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Thanks Spectrum :) Feel free to join if you want. I'm not a big fan of large role plays either so I'll close it after we get enough people to make it pretty functional.

DarkPrince: I know exactly what you mean, I'm trying to find a picture right now before I try to create my character. I hope you find one!

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Fight The Tears
Member for 1 years

Good luck in finding one as well! AS for me, I have found one. So you can count me in.

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Quick question. As far as weapons go, do you have certain limitations on how simple or how powerful they are?

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