Wednesday, June 20, 2012

It's Time Your Business Jumped on the YouTube Bandwagon ...

YouTube is more than weird people trying to get their 15 minutes of fame. I believe it is becoming one of the most important tools to understand, master, and employ in your business today. What I want to do is first tell you some of the ways you can use YouTube in your business. Then I am going to take you step-by-step on exactly what to do to go from an idea to finally having your first video published.?

Online Video ServicesIt is important to understand that the method or technology that is important is the use of video. YouTube is just a free service that makes using video online so easy and inexpensive that we sometimes just refer to the videos as YouTube videos. It is really just using video, but when you price out the cost to do it yourself, you will begin to understand the significance YouTube has made.?

First a disclaimer: Although I have used many videos in my business, I have never been the one who handled any of the technical stuff that is involved in making this work. I say that because if I can make it work anyone can! I have never been accused of being a computer geek. So I am going to use my very best ?Dummiesque? skills and make it so easy that even someone afraid to turn on their computer will be inspired enough to give it a try. Now, let?s begin.?

How can a small business or retail store use You Tube and why should they??

  1. The Testimonial: Have you ever had a customer give you a compliment about how much they like your store? Of course you have. The next time that happens just pull out your digital camera and ask the person if they could repeat it so you can film it. If they are complimenting you, trust me they will never complain about doing it. Then you can download it on to YouTube and the places you can use it are endless--from your website to having it play in the store.

  2. Positioning & Branding: A short YouTube video can tell your potential customers who you are and what you do and the important question, ?Why should the potential customer do business with you??

  3. Training: A YouTube video doesn?t have to be available for the general public to view . If you have lots of part time people, it is a great way to offer the same program wherever they are. Then create a test to make sure they watched it.

  4. Product Information: The next time you work with a sales rep, interview them and let them talk about their product or products. Sales reps can be a very valuable source of product info. Just ask three basic questions and remember that the video should be no longer than four minutes.

  5. Product Showcase /Product Presentations: This seems so obvious but it?s amazing how many people forget to just talk about the products they sell.

  6. Educational Purposes: Every retailer today is in the education business because there are so many new solutions or products that are being released weekly or monthly. But it's more than just new products; it?s how we use or maintain our old products. Like the jeweler who teaches how to properly clean a ring. Or the gift store that teaches what the best gift is to give for the occasion.

  7. Make it Personal: Unveil the person behind the company. We like to do business with real people and YouTube videos are a great way to do just that. Just talk to your customer and tell them how you got started in business, your successes, and maybe even failures. We love to do business with the underdog. Introduce your family and/or staff.

  8. Employee Videos: Encourage your employees to make videos about some positive aspect of the business. Or even have employees talk about the positive attributes of a business. Then take it a step further and have your employees sing the praises of another employee and what a wonderful experience they would have if that employee takes care of you

  9. Contest Videos: This can apply to your employees or it can apply to a customer contest. Especially if you are catering to a younger market, it is amazing how these kids get into creating their masterpiece. The only requirement is that it?s clean and relates in some positive way to your business. Remember the Word of Mouth thing. This is the stuff people talk about.

  10. Share the Journey Videos: A few years ago a restaurant chain called BGood in Boston won The Retailers Association of Massachusetts restaurant of the year. This business was built solely on their videos. Every couple of weeks they release a new video. As the owners described their unusual form of marketing, they said all we are doing is sharing our journey. They are hip, upbeat, and fun. Go to to review these classics. Wait till you see the amount of videos they have created (There is even one when they received the RAMAE Award from me with the Legendary Uncle Ferris. He is one of the owner?s uncles and is quite the character, which makes him perfect in the use of video.).

The Steps from Neophyte to YouTube Producer and Director:

  1. Log on: Go to and create a YouTube account. (If you have a Google account, it?s the same.) Then log in.

  2. Title: Type in your Title

  3. Description: Type in the description of what the video is all about

  4. Category: Decide what category your video should go into. (Just pick the one that fits best.)

  5. Tags: Now type in the Tags, which are simply the words that people will use to find you.

  6. Broadcast Options: Choose ?Open to the public? or ?private? for just friends or family.

  7. Sharing Options: Choose if you want to create a URL or if you want to embed it into your website.

  8. Upload from your computer and you are now done.

  9. Now you have a basic video. If you need any help editing and you are a Mac user, go to IMovie. Microsoft has a similar movie-editing feature. There is also a simple free service called that works well. ??Don?t go crazy with creating all sorts of fancy intros at first. There will be plenty of time to get sophisticated. There are also some wonderful YouTube videos that explain what to do. Have a great week.

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