Friday, July 27, 2012

Reasons For Syphilis Infection ? Different Causes Of Syphilis Infection

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Causes of syphilis infectionSyphilis is a highly contagious disease with being one of the commonly known ?sexually transmitted disease (STD) along with AIDS and Hepatitis C.

Being brought with the explorer Vasco de Gama in Calcutta during 1498, syphilis is estimated to have spread across population 47,000 in the year of 2007.

Being among the most common epidemic in Europe around 18th and 19th century, the pandemic is now in much control since the discovery of antibiotics such as penicillin.

The main culprit behind the syphilis infection is a bacterium known as Treponema pallidum. The infection is mainly attributed to physical transfer of the bacteria from the carrier to the healthy individual. Sexual contact is generally most common method of transfer, giving it the notoriety since the beginning of 16th century. The infection may also occur through uterine barrier from a pregnant mother to her developing fetus.

Various Reasons For Syphilis Infection

Sexual Transmission

The infection from bacteria results in emergence of sores at the point of contact. Thus sores generally develop in genital regions as on a penis in case of a man. The area around the cervix in a female also shows appearance of sores apparently through copulation process.

Unprotected sex with an infected person thus expose a person?s body to the infection, a sore is the prime location for the bacteria. The pathogen is transferred through the skin or mucus membrane during the sexual contact, leading to development of sores around the genitalia of the recipient.

Causes of syphilis Infection

Though protection such as a condom provides defense from entry of the bacteria, other sexual acts are being practiced all around the world. Oral sex or anal sex has dramatically increased the chances of syphilis infection in the 21st century. Infectious sores around the mouth and anus are responsible for bacterial transfer especially in homosexual community.

Needles shared along with infected individual can lead to bacterial infection, thus demonstrating infection among drug addicts and medical establishment with improper management.

The bacterium in general needs human body to survive as it cannot live through external conditions. If exposed to environmental factors outside the host body, chances of its survival decrease radically. Thus a person cannot receive infection by sharing common things with an infected person. Thus one cannot be infected by using toilet seat, swimming pool, clothes or bath tubs etc along with syphilis patient.

Also Read

Identifying Syphilis Symptoms By Stage
Be Aware Of Sexually Transmitted Infections
Various Tests To Identify Syphilis

People with primary stage of syphilis tend to develop sores commonly resembling as bug bite or rash around the genital region. However with time, a person with secondary stage syphilis shows reddish pink rash along his/her palms and soles.

Congenital Transmission

Through the placenta, a pregnant mother can transmit the pathogen to the developing fetus, thus affecting the unborn child. Even in act of delivering the baby, there is much possibility of infection to the child. However, the symptoms may not appear in two third of such cases.

A syphilis infected individual remains contagious through the primary and secondary stages. Even though this capability deceases during later stages, presence of sore still presents the treat of infection to another individual.

Thus through proper care and proper protective measure a person can avoid a syphilis infection, thus averting its further spread across the population.

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Different Causes Of Syphilis Infection, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating


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Syrian armored column closes in on Aleppo

AZAZ, Syria (Reuters) - The Syrian army turned its forces on Aleppo on Wednesday, ordering an armored column to advance on the country's second biggest city and pounding rebels there with artillery and attack helicopters, opposition activists said.

As hostilities intensified near the Turkish border, Ankara said it was closing its crossing posts, although the United Nations said refugees fleeing Syria would be allowed through.

At the Syrian town of Azaz, a few miles south of the Turkish border, rebels appeared in control after heavy clashes over the past month in which they succeeded in driving out government forces, leaving the place a rubble-strewn ghost-town.

Syria's ambassadors to the United Arab Emirates and Cyprus - a married couple - have deserted their posts, becoming the latest officials to abandon the Damascus government, rebels said.

The 16-month revolt against President Bashar al-Assad has been transformed from an insurgency in remote provinces into a battle for control of the two main cities, Aleppo and the capital, Damascus, where fighting exploded last week.

Assad's forces have launched massive counter assaults in both cities. They appear to have beaten rebels back from neighborhoods in the capital and are turning towards Aleppo, a commercial hub in the north.

North of Aleppo, the town of Azaz has been almost completely destroyed by heavy fighting. Burnt-out armored personnel carriers sat on the roads where rebels hit them with rocket-propelled grenades. Bullet casings were scattered everywhere.

Most residents fled during the latest fighting, which drove Assad's forces out over the past month and ended in the rebels taking the Bab al-Salam border crossing with Turkey on Sunday.

Fighting in and around Aleppo is expected to prompt an exodus across the Turkish border, where some Syrian refugees are already complaining about poor conditions and have clashed with riot police in disputes over food.

"There is not enough food. They have broken our hearts, the Turks. Why are they doing this to us?" said a sobbing woman called Umm Omar, with her four children huddled next to her in a camp near the border.


Further south, Syrian forces used artillery and fired rockets on Wednesday on the northern Damascus suburb of al-Tel in an attempt to seize it from rebels, forcing hundreds of families to flee, residents and opposition activists said.

"Military helicopters are flying now over the town. People were awakened by the sound of explosions and are running away," Rafe Alam, one of the activists, said by phone from a hill overlooking Tel. "Electricity and telephones have been cut off."

Opposition sources also reported helicopters and machineguns were firing on the neighborhood of Hajar al-Aswad. The slum lies on the southern outskirts of the capital and has been a haven for rebels sneaking into Damascus from the suburbs.

In the north, opposition activists said thousands of troops had withdrawn with their tanks and armored vehicles from Idlib province near the Turkish border and were heading towards Aleppo. Rebels attacked the rear of the troops withdrawing from the north, activist Abdelrahman Bakran said from the area.

State-run Syrian television painted a more favorable picture, saying government troops were imposing security and stability in and around Aleppo.

"The terrorists are suffering terrible losses. Groups of them are throwing their weapons away and giving themselves up. Others are fleeing for the Turkish border," the television said.

Military experts believe an overstretched Syrian army is pulling back to concentrate on fighting insurgents in Aleppo and Damascus, important power centers for the government, while leaving outlying areas in the hands of rebels.


In Aleppo, helicopters were seen firing missiles throughout Tuesday, residents said. Rebels were battling government forces by the gates of the historic old city. Troops fired mortars and shells at rebels armed with rifles and machine guns.

"I heard at least 20 rockets fired, I think from helicopters, and also a lot of machine gun fire," a resident, who gave his name as Omar, said by telephone.

Residents said fixed-wing jets had also flown over the city, followed by loud noises, though there were contradictory reports as to whether they had opened fire. Video footage posted by activists appeared to show a warplane firing its guns.

Assad's forces have occasionally launched air strikes from fixed-wing jets on other cities during the uprising, but tend to rely on helicopters for air strikes in urban areas.

The uprising has entered a more violent phase in the past 10 days since rebels poured into Damascus in large numbers.

Last Wednesday, an explosion killed four members of Assad's inner circle inside a security headquarters, a blow that wiped out much of the top echelon of his military command structure and shattered the reputation for invulnerability that his family has held since his father seized power in a coup in 1970.

Western powers have been calling for Assad to be removed from power for many months, and now say they believe his days are numbered. But they fear that he will fight to the end, raising the risk of sectarian warfare spreading across one of the world's most volatile regions.

Syria heightened the alarm on Monday by confirming that it had chemical and biological weapons and saying it could use them against external threats, prompting warnings from Washington and Moscow against using the arsenal.

In its strongest language yet, Russia told Syria that it was unacceptable to threaten to use chemical weapons, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday.

In a meeting with Syria's ambassador to Moscow, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov "laid out in an extremely clear form Russia's position on the inadmissibility of any threats of the use of chemical weapons", the ministry said.

Israel said that if Syrian-backed Hezbollah guerrillas used the situation to take control of the weapons, it would "act immediately and with utmost force".

As the revolt against Assad intensifies, top Syrian officials have started to abandon their posts. Syria's ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, Abdelatif al-Dabbagh, and his wife, who is Damascus's envoy to Cyprus, Lamia al-Hariri, have defected and are both now in Qatar, the opposition Syrian National Council said on Wednesday.

Brigadier General Manaf Tlas, a member of Assad's inner circle who fled Syria this month, appeared on television in his first public comments since defecting. He called on troops to abandon the government.

Elsewhere in the country, activists reported a series of killings by government troops and pro-Assad militia.

They reported an attack on a mosque in a village northwest of the city of Hama, with at least 15 confirmed dead. At least nine people were killed in army shelling of al-Herak, a town south of Deraa. In Damascus, activists said they found the bodies of 11 men executed by government forces in the district of Qaboun.

The accounts, like others from activists, could not be confirmed. Syria restricts access by international journalists.

The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which compiles reports from activists, said 1,261 people had been killed since the fighting intensified in Damascus on July 15. That made last week by far the bloodiest in an uprising in which activists say at least 18,000 people have been killed.

(Writing by Giles Elgood; Editing by Anna Willard, David Stamp and Will Waterman)


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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Easy To Follow Home Improvement Suggestions

This article has been viewed 5 times.

Home Improvement Ideas can be really helpful for beautifying a home, but it?s very simple to get overwhelmed and also to not even get started with the procedure. It?s true that those of us who have a real passion for interior design and also doing it yourself own it much easier than those who don?t put on that passion. We?ve outlined some diy ideas below to provide you started with the process. Let?s have a look at those ideas..

- Including a leather lounge set might be the most effective things you can do when it comes to adding more comfort for your entire room and house. Guests and in all probability also yourself love to have it comfortable throughout the hours in your home. Buckskin sofa sets create an environment that adds more value to a community and may help your guests in order to feel like in their own properties. Buying a leather settee set should depend on the entire style and design of your area. Be smart as well as consider sofa models that are congruent with your space.

- Improving your individual current windows might be another great idea for your home. That is especially precise when you do have a property with windows which simply need improvement as well as renovation. Vinyl glass windows perfectly match with any kind of room design and are the new preferred fashion.

- Creating an entertainment room is a fantastic thought if you need more pleasure at home. In fact, if you have kids they will undoubtedly love to have a special put in place which they can play their favorite games or actions when they get back residence from school. Designing a game title room is something that can happen at any given time. Here you go important to consider how old your kids are and what types of games they need to play. Logically, the actual games you should in addition place mostly rely on the capability of your children. Board games or challenge games tend to be ideal for babies to children. On the other hand, PlayStation game titles, billiards or shuffleboard will likely be ideal for kids relating to the age of 6 in order to 16.

- Having a great working environment is another important factor of your respective entire home setting. Think about your current working conditions of house and if you do have an office building what could you improve? Also, if your little ones need a quite room to do their groundwork it is advisable to add a comfy office chair and an appropriate desk to your room. Make certain to have all other components such as table lamp, pens, maps etc.

The house improvement ideas from this review apply for virtually any home, so make sure you apply them!

To find out more about Bedroom Design Ideas ? please visit our website!

This article was prepared for you by shantikhpond56, one of our 'Authors'.
Visit this authors profile page and learn more about them & the articles they write.

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Bat Movies Part 4: The Dark Knight Trilogy

Friday was a long day. The pure unmitigated horror of what transpired in Aurora, Colorado was on repeat, moments imagined that weren't allowed to leave my mind as we sat around discussing what this meant to us, what this meant to the movies, what this all just meant.

Yesterday, I saw The Dark Knight Rises. I took my seat in a state of dread. In his statement, Christopher Nolan described the movie theater as a place of innocence, a hub for vehicles that transport you from reality and all the troubles attached to it. But where do you escape to when it's the theater that's turning on you?

Nolan's movies are full of panic and anxiety, so I questioned my willingness to endure an apocalyptic trilogy capper. But this movie was exactly what I needed. Nolan has always made dark films, but recently they've become not so bleak. As the lights dimmed in the theater, so did my dread. I gave myself into the sights and sound for a final time. And I found it all uplifting and inspirational.

(Those who haven't seen The Dark Knight Rises: This article, and its comments, is henceforth your own personal game of Minesweeper: Spoilers Edition. Play at your own risk.)

The first surprise was how much I enjoyed the villains. I thought Bane would be a total bummer to be around, but I found him almost charming: He sounded funny and could be funny when the moment commanded it, he was menacing as hell, and -- utilizing Tom Hardy's sympathetic eyes to full effect -- could elicit even pity. Anne Hathaway was perfection incarnate; her rendition of Selina Kyle is my favorite ever, in any form. It's a tricky feat to convince the audience that Bruce Wayne and Selina are right for each other, but Nolan delivers just enough interplay to make it work.

And The Dark Knight Rises is a movie of "just enoughs." Just enough Catwoman & Batman, just enough Bane, just enough Gordon, just enough time spent in a dank prison and at occupied Gotham. There are so many moving parts that too much or too little of any element threatens to throw the movie out of its orbit. Nolan keeps it all in balance. However, I'd still question him on Juno Temple's character. How useless was she?

But the real surprise: This is one pulpy movie. Not campy, mind you. The Dark Knight aimed to button the superhero down to reality, but TDKR functions on a grander physical scale. It embraces the outsized comic elements, things like a nuclear bomb plot, a gassy masked villain, and a man who is snapped in two, spending months in the desert to discover his power again. These things are believable, but not particularly realistic (in contrast to TDK being both at the same time). In doing so, the film exits our world and begins to operate on a mythical level. It's really quite easy to escape into this movie.

Now, Nolan is not one to let the details slip past him. So it's another surprise how little details are in place. I predict this is where people will have the most issues with the movie. Details like, how did Bruce Wayne get out of that desert and back into Gotham, which happened to be under full lockdown? Why is Gotham still so clean after 80 days of armed criminal occupation? Everything should be drenched in blood, dirt, and corpses. Instead, it looked like just an emptier Gotham City soundstage. I obsessed over one shot: I don't recall who was speaking, but in the background there was this row of garbage bins. No damage to them, lids still closed. No way they would've still have been there. Garbage cans are the first to go in a riot, everyone knows that! So why did Nolan let these things slide when they would've faced major scrutiny in Batman Begins and The Dark Knight?

The answer I think lies in the story Nolan needed to tell. You could create a whole movie out of Bruce's journey back to America. Or make a PBS miniseries out of daily life in occupied Gotham City. The movie is 15 minutes shy of a three-hour run time and that is just enough room to tell the story without having to cram it in.

Take, for example, the scene where police rush the thugs. It's ridiculous. Why would you charge headlong? That's suicide. Did the cops forget their tactical training while huddled underground? A scene like this would have no place in BB or TDK. In Rises, it's a good fit. In that moment, the story gets a big push forward, crucial when this late in the movie. A slowdown in the narrative would be deadly. Again, was this realistic? Nope. But, believable. A master storyteller like Nolan knows where to make that incision, prescient of how many little details you can remove before you lose the audience and they revolt.

Last note: the fight scenes. In the previous films, the fights were usually inundated with shaky cam, so I applaud Nolan's decision to shoot with steady clarity. There's a matter-of-factness to the way the fights play out, especially the backbreaker one. Nolan doesn't want you to feel like you're in the fight, he wants you to observe, much like Catwoman did. One feels helpless to the brutality, a resigned horror at the sight Batman's punches shrugged off as mere whiffs of wind. That dread builds up again in those moments. But so does a thirst for redemption and salvation. I am grateful The Dark Knight Rises delivered.

Let's set the DeLorean back real quick since I'm realizing I devoted the entire article to The Dark Knight Rises. My curiosity was piqued when I heard the director of Memento and Insomnia was doing a Batman movie. It's largely enjoyable. Even though it represented a hard reset, watching it again and it feels actually like a transitional movie. The production design, especially of Gotham City and the train that is central to the climax, is still Burton-inspired, with lots of brown and rising steam. The men are often tailored into sharp suits, a visual mainstay for every Nolan film going forward. Katie Holmes, however, is really out of place. I suspect that she wasn't Nolan's first pick, furthered by the fact that he was quick to recast the Rachel Dawes role for The Dark Knight. Holmes wears jarringly plain clothes, likely inspired by the successful Kirsten Dunst role in Spider-Man.

The Dark Knight is still my favorite Batman movie, though I'd have to watch Rises again to be certain. Rises had a big sweeping narrative arc that really pulls you in, but there are individual pieces to The Dark Knight that are beyond anything else. The novelty of seeing Batman in this ultra sleek modern world never gets old. And, of course, The Joker. Heath Ledger's performance will remain legendary. So complete was this vision of the Joker that TDK deflates considerably when he's not on-screen.

What's funny is how The Dark Knight now feels in the wake of Rises, which was maximalist with its storytelling in every way. I think the opening bank heist, largely free of special effects, is still the best sequence committed to a Batman film. The vertiginous rush seeing crooks zipline across a cityscape, the back and forth dialogue, and the rising tension as the bad guys start killing each other. It leads to Ledger's incredible introduction and one of my favorite lines, "Whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stranger."

The Avengers was a culmination of a decade of films and staggering business mergers. The Dark Knight Rises closes one of the best trilogies ever, one that redefined what can happen when comic book and cinema collide. We've entered what seems to be a curious age for filmmakers. It's not quite the '70s again, but with Joss Whedon and Nolan writing and directing these films, it's almost like the emergence of blockbuster auteur theory. Where will the superhero movie go from here?


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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

FACT CHECK: Disability claims still growing at VA (The Arizona Republic)

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Beef recall hits Northeast states

Beef recall involves Hannaford and other retailers whose customers bought ground beef in Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont. So far, ground beef recall targets 85 percent lean beef sold in late May and the first half of June.?

By Laurent Belsie,?Business editor / July 24, 2012

As part of the beef recall, Hannaford Supermarkets is alerting consumers to return any 85 percent lean ground beef sold at its stores between May 29 and June 16. The chain operates in Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont.

Courtesy of Hannaford Supermarkets


A strain of salmonella linked in the past to poultry and eggs has for the first time force a beef recall that affects customers in at least five Northeast states.

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Cargill Beef is recalling more than 29,300 pounds of ground beef that it says could be tainted with salmonella. With sell by dates no later than the mid-June, the suspect meat has not been on store shelves for some time. Nevertheless, Cargill and at least one regional grocery chain are warning consumers in case some of the product remains in freezers.

On Monday, Hannaford Supermarkets alerted consumers in its five-state region ? Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont ? to check their freezers and return all ground beef sold at its stores between May 29 and June 16 for a full refund. Cargill Beef says some of the suspect meat also went to food distributors, who repackage the ground beef for retail sale.

The product in question is 85 percent lean, fresh, ground beef, produced on May 25 at Cargill's Wyalusing, Pa., plant, and in its wholesale form carried the establishment number "EST. 9400" on the USDA mark of inspection. But since the product was repackaged, retailers may have used their own establishment number. So far, the only retailer named by US Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is Hannaford. If federal authorities release more names, it will be released here (PDF).

The problem was traced to the Cargill plant after federal and state authorities began investigating an outbreak of 33 cases of Salmonella Enteritidis in seven East Coast states. Eleven people were hospitalized. Seventeen people reported buying ground beef from Hannaford. Five of those cases were traced back to Cargill's Pennsylvania plant. So far, Cargill has linked the bacteria to a single day of production and the plant continues to operate.

But the investigation is continuing, says an FSIS spokesman. At least four different teams of FSIS officials are investigating the facility.

Until now, this strain of the bacteria has been associated with poultry and egg recalls, says Sarah Klein, staff attorney with the food safety program of the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), a Washington-based consumer advocacy group. There have been at least six instances of the strain detected in beef. But "it's the first time it has generated a recall."

The spread of Salmonella Enteritidis shouldn't force big food-safety changes in beef-processing plants. "I'm not surprised that it's gotten into other foods than just chicken and eggs," says Robert Buchanan, director of the Center for Food Safety and Security Systems at the University of Maryland in College Park.?The particular strain doesn't matter so much, he adds. Beef plants "have to worry about the salmonella, period."

Cargill spokesman Mike Martin also doesn't expect big changes. "The food safety system we have in place is designed to address bacteria such as Salmonella and E.coli," he writes in an e-mail. "However, they are naturally and randomly occurring bacteria that exist throughout nature and can be elusive, despite our best efforts employing current technology."

The source of the salmonella is still unknown." We know it arrived with one or more animals," writes Mr. Martin.?"Which animal(s) and how they got it remain the open questions."

This marks the second beef recall for Hannaford in less than eight months. On Dec. 15, 2011, the Scarborough, Maine, chain announced it was recalling ground beef contaminated with a different strain of salmonella. Hannaford eventually recovered more than 112,000 pounds of suspect beef, but federal investigators couldn't go further up the chain because the chain had limited records, the FSIS says.

CSPI?is pushing the federal agency to require retailers to keep detailed records of the source of all the beef they grind ? something some retailers already do, Ms. Klein says.


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96% First Position

All Critics (52) | Top Critics (23) | Fresh (50) | Rotten (2)

It does a great job developing its characters through its visuals - these are superphysical kids - and honing in on family dynamics.

If you have a yearning to feel awkward, inadequate and lazy, watching the whirling teenage (and preteen) talents in director Bess Kargman's First Position will do the trick.

A number of the performances are plain stunning - Aran and Joan, in particular, seem born to move - and in many ways watching the movie is like watching a sporting event; there are winners and losers and favorites to cheer on.

It's an intense journey, and Kargman captures it all, down to the dancers' bloodied and bruised feet.

Yes, it is possible to create a gripping documentary about the ballet world without resorting to "Black Swan" melodramatics.

Because its subjects are so driven and so talented, "First Position," which is about ballet, is more gripping than the norm.

Far from the dutiful progeny of "Dance Moms," these are individuals of uncommon skill, self-knowledge, maturity and drive. They're the real deal. And so is First Position.

All of the dollars and expertise that produced this summer's blockbusters could never produce a spectacle as wondrous as 11-year-old Aran Bell dancing his heart out.

Kargman ... brings a welcome empathy to this programmatic film that follows six hopefuls as they compete in something called the Youth America Grand Prix, which we're told is the most comprehensive ballet competition in the world.

The children are almost unearthly in their agility and elegance -- until they remove their shoes, and reveal their all-too-human abrasions and injuries.

It's a wealth of material at odds with a scant running time and shallow focus.

When it's over, you won't remember so much about who won and who lost. Instead, what remains is the expression on a young dancer's face, reflected in a mirror: showing the joy of being in love with what you do.

What we experience is the overwhelming thrill of the competition and the true agony of defeat.

It could very well compete for Best Documentary at next year's Academy Awards.

For someone (like me) who has never been to a ballet, the talent of these teens and tweens is a revelation.

It's 'Spartacus' en pointe.

Inspiring documentary about hardworking young dancers.

Almost loses its sense of good taste entirely in the final act, straining to build suspense and shape heroes. The bias hangs a little ugly in an otherwise passable, somewhat enlightening effort.

The cookie cutter format Kargman uses in presenting her subjects may be unoriginal but a safe way to introduce the filmmaker to her new audience.

Child ballet dancer and former journalist Bess Kargman brings a dancer's passion and insight to her directorial debut, illuminating the addictive magic and fierce demands of a ballet dancer's life.

Really, all of the dancers' evident passion for their art is, well, spellbinding.

More Critic Reviews

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The Direct Marketing Voice ? Why Video Matters More and More to ...

Video. You?ve watched plenty of it. You know how it can influence behavior. You?ve seen what it can do for those companies blessed with big advertising budgets. But what does it mean for you, the small business owner?

It?s no secret that businesses actively using video in their marketing mix enjoy more sales, more reach, and more visibility than those that don?t. If you still need convincing, a simple online search will reveal thousands of articles, studies and statistics which support this simple fact. I could list a bunch of them right here and now, but that would make for a very long blog post. Expense, while still a factor in some ways, is no longer the monolithic and intimidating barrier it once was. Basic video can be shot, edited and posted online with as little as a mobile phone camera and a free YouTube account.

Although the focus of this post is video, small businesses today would also do well to embrace mobile technology, developing mobile-friendly versions of their web presence and innovative ways to engage with and enable their customers to interact with their products and services anywhere and any time they choose. I won?t kid you, it?s not cheap and certainly not without some pitfalls, but the rewards can be significant and could possibly put you so far ahead of your competition it would take them months or even years to catch up.

Video is also great for offering tips and tricks on how to use your products and services most effectively. Imagine a customer on the verge of deciding whether to order from you or from your competition ? similar product, similar price ? but, you happen to have 2 or 3 ?how to? videos showing unboxing, assembly, optimal placement, usage or device settings? now which company do you think will get the sale? These videos don?t have to be fancy, just helpful. For example, here?s one of our recent video tips we did for our QuantumCards app.

Take stock of your offerings. Look at your products and services as your customers and prospects do. Figure out how to present each one in it?s best light, grab a camera and start shooting!


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Sunday, July 22, 2012

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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Did the Galaxy Note II's impressive benchmarks briefly get leaked?

Did the Galaxy Note II's impressive benchmarks briefly get leaked

Well, Samsung has something up its sleeve, we know that much. Whether or not we're looking at a new Note remains to be seen, but it's safe to assume Sammy will update its phablet line as it approaches its first birthday. So it's no wonder people's suspicions were piqued when a mysterious device made a brief appearance at with the model number GT-N7100. The original Note was N7000, so obviously many are guessing this unnamed Ice Cream Sandwich device is its successor. All the details have since been pulled, but PhoneArena managed to snag a screenshot. Whatever it turns out to be, we know it's got a 1.6GHz quad-core Exynos 4412 processor with Mali-400 graphics -- the same you'll find inside the Galaxy S III. The one spec that does leave a bit of doubt however is the resolution, which is listed at juts 1280x720, instead of the 1280x800 of the original. In the benchmarks it manages to eke out scores slightly higher than the GSIII, which makes sense thanks to its higher clocked CPU. Now it's just time to sit back and play the waiting game.

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Did the Galaxy Note II's impressive benchmarks briefly get leaked? originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 20 Jul 2012 19:56:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Friday, July 20, 2012

Rapid Products And Solutions For Dental Practice Sterling Virginia ...

Teeth?s wellness then dental know-how which alas truly worth enviromentally welcoming health and fitness and wellbeing describes what is identified eco helpful dental treatment concern relief and eco-dentistry. Your expressions eco-dentistry gave the impression to be coined by way of EDA and perhaps Eco-Dentistry Relationship. These programs promote growth and accentuate performance furthermore end results in tooth different types of treatments by the use of technological know-how which in turn decreases every one of the polluting of the natural environment and besides that trash it?ll carry to the oxygen. The concept values know-how all the way through dental care it doesn?t clarification ecological danger as retaining an individual?s helpful good oral cleansing.

What?s so very good about setting friendly dentistry encompass simpler potential customers through the use of state-of-the-art equipment and devices even so with each other with lessened radiation pull although using the web electronic radiography. Electronic radiography minimizes the work of dangerous substances which have been searched by the first dental apply x-ray so that you can distinguish dentist issues. The perfect issue about applying electronic digital radiography is the fact that it applications 90% a smaller sized volume light compared to regular x-ray. The wise element is this provides realtime returns once the illustrations are commonly immediately easily to choose from as a result putting together verdict furthermore treatment method means swifter by the use of a lot more appropriate clarity.

With atmosphere friendly dental procedure, that medic takes advantage of eco-friendly then again top quality substance which includes concerning sterilizing, disinfectants, also as germicidal reasons. It facilities on most of the minimization concerned with fatal particles and in many cases fatal inorganic steam to not point out techniques straight into the fluids product after which the oxygen. A second place that it delivers its individual eco-friendly practices to actually could possibly be its usage of organic material and less rock on the subject of dental recuperation. Performing it applications restoratives that takes place for being metal-less tooth which incorporates utilizing blended staff creating through glues, lumineers, crowns, and pottery phony teeth. As a result a magic amalgam refills could very well be refrained to counteract stainless-steel misuse and also avert several these gear coming from harming my rain drinking water give and in addition waters answers.

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A grading organizational procedure that may supply a dental practitioner some official document of approaching a remarkable excessive values pertaining to organic dental apply would be the Eco-Dental Organisation. A good quality sound GreenDOC official recognition is frequently given for every charge like the Brown, Silver treasured steel, in addition Silver tiers. Your layers relies the endeavors about preserving an eco-friendly dentistry health treatment clinic with a considerable amount of items for that listing. Any listing also could possibly contain eco-friendly products, relevant gear, equipment and tools, on top of that to other earth-friendly components utilised in also been practiced solutions. In turn apart from reviewing this certifications for this tooth medical professional, environmentalists might properly try to look for this targeted certification to your find a superb dentist profesionist.

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5 Critical And Simple Self Improvement Advice Which You Can Use

These effective personal improvement suggestions are the best way to begin your own personal development as a way to drive your self to better levels of accomplishment and fulfillment. In case you are be someone that?s keen on your own improvement along with personal cultivation, you could be looking for effective methods for arousing development. You?re probably also in need of tactics which will certainly ensure your very own improvement and assist you to accomplish good results.

After spending over a decade learning individual achievement, I decided to provide you with these five basic self improvement methods as a mode of giving back and also enabling men or women just like you to reach much more achievements later on in life. Stop by additional information on here?

Day-by-day Writing

Should you analyze the truly great high achievers of the historical past, you will realise that the majority of these kind of people turned out to be passionate writers. Having an every day journal enables you to express your ideas and also generate a feeling involving self-awareness which will give you the capacity redesign yourself in a moment?s notice and help you to construct unshakable self belief.

Wanting to Win

Folks who accomplish excellent things later on in life are not cleverer or more competent as compared to the average human being. Having said that, they undertake one important thing completely different that lots of wise people have a tough time accomplishing: these people are expecting to triumph, even before they understand how they?ll do it.

Developing targets won?t involve expertise of how the targets would be accomplished. When you start from a foundation of bold expectancy, what?s left is only a question of dedication. Make sure you visit excellent resources on deliberate creation here?

Creating Aims and Blueprints of Routines

The common practice pertaining to writing down clear and precise objectives and methods of procedures for accomplishing those goals is important if you wish to fulfill something. This is because writing down your ultimate goals specifies them and even commences creating an expectation in your thoughts. Furthermore, having drafted plans gives an actual group of actions to take each day for the achievement of your respective long-term aspiration.

Be more Well Rounded

The approach of individual growth will have to be holistic. Nearly every part of your way of life influences some other aspect both directly or indirectly. Should your relationships are out of order, it would influence your quality of life and your monetary situation. Should your health is out of order it would hamper your individual progress and cause it more challenging to successfully obtain the momentum to achieve any of your desired goals. Have a look at additional strategies on achieve success here?

Fantastic Statements

Constructive affirmations possess the ability to improve your innermost dialogue that can truly change your personality, your disposition, your actions as well as your life. For perfect outcomes, jot 1 wonderful statement for each and every of your major aspects of your lifestyle (wellness, working relationships, financial circumstances and job) and form a dedication to rehearsing it out loud 2 times a day.


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PayDay Loans Online Mag For ProAdvice and Finance News ...

There are lots of misconceptions about debt because it has become one of the major problems in the United States. People tend to see it as bad but on the contrary there are good debts as well. Continue reading to know the difference between the two debts.

A good debt is when you make more money than what you are paying. Below are some of the examples of good debt.

Student Loans ? This allows you to get a small loan today so that you can make more money for the rest of your life. In paper, the extra income should be enough to pay back all the debt.

Mortgage ? This is something that can be good or bad. If you had a mortgage in the early 1990?s, then there?s a chance that you own a house that appreciated in value. But if you purchased one in the past couple of years, there?s a chance that the value didn?t appreciate and if you sell the property today, it is better if you have rented. But in most cases, mortgage is tax deductible.

Work necessities ? Most people don?t consider getting a car loan but this is needed if you need a car to get to work. To be a good debt, the vehicle should be used purely as transportation between two points and not as a status symbol. When the added expense is needed to protect your source of income then it becomes a good debt.

Bad debt is something that doesn?t help your finances. A loan that has interest rates of 20 percent is considered a bad debt. A loan to pay for a vacation is a bad debt. You might be refreshed and ready to earn more money after coming from one but make sure to make the finances in the positives first.


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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Lights-Out Add-In Beta For Windows Server 2012 Essentials

One of the pluses for WS2012E is that the add-ins for WHS 2011, SBS 2011 Essentials and Windows Storage Server 2008 R2 Essentials are supposed to be compatible.? Key word is ?supposed?.

Just to make sure, Martin Rothschink has released a beta of his Lights-Out software to test the waters to make sure his software is 100% compatible.

He does make note of one issue in his forum post:

Known issues:

The biggest issue is the already known problem from SBS 2011: WindowsServer 2012 Essentials wakes up every 30 minutes by Server Infrastructure License Service (silsvc). This bug is logged in Microsoft Connect but MS decided to not fix it.

Hopefully, he has a fix and will be able offer full support for WS2012E in a forthcoming update.

About Jim Clark

Hello. I?m from the heartland of the U.S. Lots of corn and beans, although Iowa is a lot more than just farmland. It also has a few computer enthusiasts (no, not me!). I?ve been around PCs since I got my 1st PC XT aloooong time ago. WGS is one of the first sites I found centered around WHS. And the best. Every once in awhile, I do get away from the KB and enjoy time with and my wife and our 4 kids. And I do have a day job.


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In Florida, Obama aims to keep pressure on Romney

WASHINGTON (AP) ? President Barack Obama is trying to keep the pressure on rival Mitt Romney, opening two days of campaigning in Florida in search of military veterans, seniors and unaligned voters in the state's crucial midsection.

Obama was holding events Thursday in Jacksonville and West Palm Beach as his campaign urges Romney to release more years of his tax returns and keeps a sharp focus on the former Massachusetts governor's tenure as the head of a private equity firm.

Florida is the largest and most coveted of the nation's Election Day toss-up states, a place where Romney could severely damage Obama's chances of winning re-election. Republicans are holding their national convention in Tampa in August in hopes of giving themselves an edge in the state.

Yet, if Obama can lock down Florida's 29 electoral votes, it would be difficult for Romney to mount enough support elsewhere to capture the White House.

Polls have shown Obama and Romney in a dead heat in the state, which has struggled with an unemployment rate of 8.6 percent, above the national average, and a still-recovering housing market. Florida provided the deciding margin in George W. Bush's victory in 2000 and has been closely contested ever since, with Obama carrying the state in 2008.

Obama aides noted that since 1992, Floridians have cast more than 32.5 million votes during the past five presidential elections and only 57,000 votes have separated the two parties in those campaigns. "Florida's always a close state and we don't expect that to change between now and November," said Obama spokesman Ben LaBolt.

Both sides are jockeying for an advantage.

Obama has repeatedly criticized Romney's private equity firm, Bain Capital, arguing that it promoted the outsourcing of jobs to countries like China and India. And Democrats want Romney to make public past tax returns, noting that the one year for which he has released returns showed investments and offshore accounts in Switzerland and the Cayman Islands.

Several Republicans have joined in the call for more transparency, including several GOP senators and Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who challenged Romney for the GOP nomination earlier this year.

In an interview aired Thursday on WTOL-TV in Toledo, Ohio, Romney said one reason not to release more of his returns was that "the Democratic party and the opposition has all these people that comb through and try and find anything they can to distract from the issues people care about, oftentimes in a dishonest way."

In recent days, Romney has pointed to Obama's record on the economy and noted that the Democrat hasn't met with his jobs council in more than six months. He told supporters in Bowling Green, Ohio, on Wednesday that Obama's priority "is trying to keep his own job. And that's why he's going to lose it."

The president was starting his day with a campaign event in Jacksonville, home to a large swath of veterans and military members connected to Naval Air Station Jacksonville. Before military audiences, Obama has talked about his efforts to bring home U.S. combat troops from Iraq and wind down the conflict in Afghanistan and pressed Congress to promote job opportunities for veterans.

Obama is expected to make a pitch to seniors in West Palm Beach, where he'll visit Century Village, a condominium complex home to thousands of retirees, long a bastion of reliable Democratic voters. Obama and Democrats have warned that Romney would seek to implement a budget plan authored by Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., that includes an overhaul of Medicare that would change it into a voucher-like program for those who retire in 10 years.

"Under the Romney-Ryan budget, Florida seniors would be left on their own," said Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee.

Obama was holding events on Friday in Fort Myers, along Florida's southwest coast, and in Orlando, the heart of the state's Interstate 4 corridor, which is home to many independent voters.

After three days of aggressive attacks against the president, Romney moves into a relatively quiet period, with just one public event scheduled through the weekend.

Aides said Romney would spend most of Thursday meeting privately with staff at the campaign's Boston headquarters. The former Massachusetts governor is expected to attend a private Boston-area fundraiser Thursday evening before heading to his lakeside vacation home in New Hampshire.

While his vacation home is usually reserved for family and relaxation, Romney is known to hold campaign strategy sessions there with senior staff and family members. He was expected to hold a public event in the Concord, N.H., area Friday.

Despite the light schedule, speculation about Romney's selection of a vice presidential candidate looms large. Romney said Wednesday that he has yet to make his choice, but aides say the decision could be reached as early as this week.


Associated Press writer Steve Peoples in Boston contributed to this report.


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Video: Super PACs stack the deck in Florida Senate race

Sabathia sparkles in return from DL

??CC Sabathia carried a shutout into the seventh inning during his sparkling return from the disabled list and the steamrolling New York Yankees got an early three-run homer from Andruw Jones in a 6-1 victory over the Toronto Blue Jays on Tuesday night.


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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

What to Know about Auto Repair Insurance

Auto repair insurance is similar to regular auto insurance in that this form of contract is an agreement between a policyholder and a company. The company represented in the contract agrees to pay for all the repairs needed for a vehicle when the policyholder submits a claim. The claim must be made within the terms and agreements set force in the fine print of the contract, and if all is legit, the company will pay for the repairs for the customer. Companies that are highly rated and maintain good customer relationships will pay for common repairs with very little hassle, especially if customers maintain good driving records. Premiums and policy costs might also decrease the longer customers stay with the company as an incentive to sign up for a policy.

Standard auto repair insurance policies typically cover the breakdown and normal wear and tear of an automobile. While some policies differ from others, those seeking this type of insurance should pay close attention and negotiate, if possible, the terms of the contract. Some insurance companies only choose to offer breakdown coverage while others go as far as covering against normal wear and tear. Companies that choose to cover only breakdown will only be responsible for repairs that are needed after specific parts break or malfunction. Other companies might choose to only provide coverage for specific vehicles such as vintage cars, motorcycles, off road vehicles, boats, and aircraft.

Other auto repair insurance companies cover engine and transmission repairs, an important aspect for vintage car collectors and other owners of cars with complicated systems under the hood. While many owners do seek this type of coverage, the majority of car owners do not buy this type of insurance because it only covers a specific component or set of components of a vehicle. Bumper to bumper policies exist that can help service repairs in small and minor collisions also exist for customers who are looking for this type of coverage. For more specialized and unique forms of coverage, consumers will have to spend due time researching online and consulting with various insurance providers for vetted companies who can offer specific policies.

Those looking for this type of insurance should take the extra steps to ensure that they know what is and what is not covered in their policy. Researching well and going through the fine print of a policy will help consumers understand what they are buying and what will be covered in the event that they need to file a claim with their specific insurance provider. Those will few insurance claims, good credit, good driving histories, and positive credit scores are more likely to receive a cost-friendly policy, though the criteria many companies use to determine prices and coverage can differ. On the plus side, many companies will offer free quotes to potential customers.

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Sony glasses give subtitles to those who need them

7 hrs.

If you're deaf or otherwise hearing-impaired, or perhaps don't speak English very well, getting to see the latest movies can be a hassle. Few showings have subtitles, and or maybe the theater doesn't even have a close-captioned copy. Sony has created a pair of cinema glasses that are transparent except for where a tiny projector shines subtitles visible only to the wearer.

They're called Entertainment Access Glasses; you can read the brochure here (PDF).?The tiny readout can be customized for size, perceived distance, and language ? so now anyone can go see any showing of any movie, regardless of whether their hearing is intact or whether they can speak the language in the film.

The glasses are available now, but not to the general public; because they need to be updated with information like the latest blockbusters' subtitles, and would need to hook into the theater's synchronizing system, they have to be kept by the theater itself.

Unfortunately, they're only compatible with a certain type of Sony projector at the moment, so they might be a bit hard to find for a while. Apparently Regal Cinemas has been upgrading and a few of its theaters have these already, so if there's one in your neighborhood, it could be worth a call.


Devin Coldewey is a contributing writer for NBC News. His personal website is


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