Wednesday, July 25, 2012

iAreaCalc-What can you do with your iPhone's built-in GPS?

iAreaCalc is a new simple to use yet powerfull app:

itunes link: (

What does it do? It allows you to measure areas/perimeters by walking on them. For example to figure out what's your property area or perimeter just walk along it's borders and the app will tell you it's area and perimeter.

What makes this app different?Well in other similar apps you need to go to a map and find your property in order to measure it. With iAreaCalc you don't have to. All you have to do is to walk along it's borders, simple ah?

You can get all the information you need regarding our app on itunes:

Or you can visit our website:

, or you can follow us on twitter: ( )

Thank you


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