Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Grupo Financiero Interacciones Goes Live on SunGards Ambit Asset ...

July 16, 2012 ? Mexico City

Grupo Financiero Interacciones, a leading financial services provider in Mexico and a long standing? customer? of? SunGard?s? Ambit? Operational? Risk? Management? solution, has? implemented SunGard?s Ambit? Asset? Liability? Management? (ALM)? solution? to? help improve? balance? sheet? management, enhance? profitability,? mitigate? interest? rate? and? liquidity? risks? and? comply? with? impending? Basel? III regulations.

Grupo Financiero Interacciones is using Ambit to perform static and dynamic asset liability management, and in-depth profitability analyses, identify and simulate strategies that minimize the cost of and exposure to? liquidity? risk? as? well? as? automate? the? calculation? process? for? funds? transfer? pricing? (FTP).? SunGard?s complete? solution? is? helping? the? bank? accurately? and? efficiently? measure? funds? transfer? prices? and perform complete multi-dimensional analysis of its balance sheet to help it clearly evaluate the drivers of net interest income, comply with regulations and improve risk management.

Leonard? Katz,? balance? sheet? manager,? Grupo Financiero Interacciones, said, ?Thanks to SunGard?s deep? industry? expertise? and? delivery? excellence,? we? were? able? to? go? live? on? Ambit? ALM? within? a demanding? time? frame? and? within? budget.? SunGard?s modular and integrated? solution? for? asset? liability management,? liquidity? risk,? funds? transfer? pricing? and? profitability? analysis? has? helped? us? establish? a comprehensive risk management system to help us meet regulatory requirements and better manage our balance sheet, performance and liquidity.?

Alwin Meyer, chief operating officer of SunGard?s Ambit Risk & Performance Management business unit, said,? ?Comprehensive? risk? management? strategies? are? becoming? increasingly? essential? for? both compliance with exigent regulations and strategic decision making. With SunGard?s Ambit ALM solution, financial institutions like Grupo Financiero Interacciones can establish an integrated approach to measure and manage a full spectrum of risk across the enterprise, helping them reduce costs, improve the quality of risk information, meet regulatory requirements, and allocate capital more efficiently.?

About Grupo Financiero Interacciones
Grupo? Financiero? Interacciones? offers? financial? services? to? customers? in? Mexico? through? its? banking, brokerage? firm,? and insurance? business? units.? Its? commercial? bank? operations? serve? mainly ,? State? and Municipal governments, and Government entities; it specializes in providing short term and medium term financing? to? states? and? municipalities? and? financing? infrastructure? projects? related? to? water? treatment plants,? hospitals,? schools,? waste? management? plants,? etc..? Its? Casa? de? Bolsa? brokerage? unit? offers brokerage,? investment,? and? portfolio management? services,? while its? insurance? arm? offers? protection? on automobiles, health, life, and property. Carlos Hank Rhon and family members are the main shareholders of Grupo Financiero Interacciones.

About SunGard?s Ambit
SunGard?s Ambit is a banking solution suite for retail, commercial and private banks. It provides banking professionals with solutions that support front-, middle- and back-office operations, as well as solutions for financial management, risk and performance. Ambit helps banks retain and acquire customers, improve staff efficiency and effectively measure and allocate their capital. For more information, visit www.sungard.com/ambit.

About SunGard
SunGard is one of the world?s leading software and technology services companies. SunGard has more than 17,000 employees and serves approximately 25,000 customers in more than 70 countries. SunGard provides software and processing solutions for financial services, education and the public sector. SunGard also provides disaster recovery services, managed IT services, information availability consulting services and business continuity management software. With annual revenue of about $4.5 billion, SunGard is the largest privately held software and services company and is ranked 480 on the Fortune 500. Look for us wherever the mission is critical. For more information, please visit www.sungard.com.

Trademark Information: SunGard, the SunGard logo and Ambit are trademarks or registered trademarks of SunGard Data Systems Inc. or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries.? All other trade names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.


Source: http://www.commodity-point.com/2012/07/grupo-financiero-interacciones-goes-live-on-sungards-ambit-asset-liability-management/

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