A group of friends and enemies alike must fight to survive the war engulfing their homeland.
Game Masters:
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Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?Fire Emblem?. Anything posted here will also show up there.
Topic Tags:
Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.
Fire Emblem RP Classes
HP: 50
Str: 50
Mag: 5
Skill: 60
Speed: 65
Luck: 45
Def: 40
Res: 15
HP: 60
Str: 55
Mag: 10
Skill: 65
Speed: 70
Luck: 45
Def: 40
Res: 20
HP: 75
Str: 70
Mag: 5
Skill: 55
Speed: 50
Luck: 45
Def: 35
Res: 10
HP: 80
Str: 80
Mag: 10
Skill: 60
Speed: 55
Luck: 45
Def: 40
Res: 15
Cavalier (Sword)
HP: 55
Str: 50
Mag: 10
Skill: 60
Speed: 60
Luck: 50
Def: 40
Res: 25
Cavalier (Axe)
HP: 60
Str: 60
Mag: 5
Skill: 55
Speed: 50
Luck: 35
Def: 45
Res: 20
Cavalier (Lance)
HP: 60
Str: 55
Mag: 5
Skill: 60
Speed: 55
Luck: 45
Def: 45
Res: 15
Cavalier (Bow)
HP: 50
Str: 45
Mag: 15
Skill: 60
Speed: 60
Luck: 55
Def: 40
Res: 35
Great Cavalier (Any promoted Cavalier)
Add 10% to HP, Str and Def. Add 5% to Luck and Res.
Mage (Wind)
HP: 45
Str: 20
Mag: 65
Skill: 55
Speed: 55
Luck: 45
Def: 20
Res: 60
Mage (Fire)
HP: 40
Str: 10
Mag: 70
Skill: 65
Speed: 55
Luck: 50
Def: 20
Res: 60
Mage (Thunder)
HP: 50
Str: 15
Mag: 65
Skill: 65
Speed: 60
Luck: 35
Def: 15
Res: 60
Mage (Light)
HP: 40
Str: 15
Mag: 70
Skill: 50
Speed: 50
Luck: 60
Def: 20
Res: 75
Mage (Darkness)
HP: 50
Str: 20
Mag: 70
Skill: 50
Speed: 50
Luck: 35
Def: 25
Res: 90
Sage (Any promoted Mage)
Add 10% to Magic, Luck and Res. Add 5% to HP and Def.
Pegasus Knight
HP: 45
Str: 45
Mag: 15
Skill: 65
Speed: 70
Luck: 50
Def: 35
Res: 45
Falcon Knight
HP: 50
Str: 45
Mag: 15
Skill: 70
Speed: 75
Luck: 50
Def: 40
Res: 50
Griffon Knight
HP: 60
Str: 55
Mag: 5
Skill: 65
Speed: 60
Luck: 45
Def: 40
Res: 25
HP: 70
Str: 65
Mag: 5
Skill: 55
Speed: 45
Luck: 40
Def: 60
Res: 25
HP: 75
Str: 70
Mag: 5
Skill: 65
Speed: 55
Luck: 45
Def: 65
Res: 25
Dragon Lord
HP: 90
Str: 85
Mag: 5
Skill: 70
Speed: 35
Luck: 55
Def: 70
Res: 20
HP: 45
Str: 40
Mag: 10
Skill: 55
Speed: 70
Luck: 70
Def: 35
Res: 25
HP: 55
Str: 50
Mag: 10
Skill: 75
Speed: 60
Luck: 55
Def: 40
Res: 25
HP: 70
Str: 65
Mag: 15
Skill: 55
Speed: 60
Luck: 45
Def: 40
Res: 25
Great Lord
HP: 70
Str: 65
Mag: 15
Skill: 60
Speed: 65
Luck: 50
Def: 45
Res: 30
HP: 35
Str: 25
Mag: 65
Skill: 50
Speed: 60
Luck: 60
Def: 35
Res: 70
HP: 45
Str: 35
Mag: 55
Skill: 60
Speed: 55
Luck: 60
Def: 40
Res: 55
HP: 35
Str: 20
Mag: 75
Skill: 55
Speed: 45
Luck: 70
Def: 25
Res: 90
HP: 40
Str: 20
Mag: 90
Skill: 60
Speed: 55
Luck: 75
Def: 25
Res: 80
HP: 45
Str: 50
Mag: 5
Skill: 65
Speed: 60
Luck: 60
Def: 35
Res: 25
Bounty Hunter
HP: 65
Str: 60
Mag: 5
Skill: 55
Speed: 45
Luck: 55
Def: 35
Res: 25
HP: 45
Str: 45
Mag: 10
Skill: 80
Speed: 75
Luck: 55
Def: 35
Res: 35
Great Shinobi
HP: 50
Str: 50
Mag: 10
Skill: 80
Speed: 80
Luck: 65
Def: 40
Res: 40
Cat (Male)
HP: 115
Str: 50
Mag: 15
Skill: 65
Speed: 60
Luck: 40
Def: 40
Res: 25
Cat (Female)
HP: 110
Str: 45
Mag: 15
Skill: 65
Speed: 70
Luck: 55
Def: 40
Res: 30
Tiger (Male)
HP: 135
Str: 75
Mag: 5
Skill: 55
Speed: 45
Luck: 35
Def: 65
Res: 20
Tiger (Female)
HP: 130
Str: 70
Mag: 10
Skill: 55
Speed: 55
Luck: 50
Def: 60
Res: 30
Wolf (Male)
HP: 125
Str: 55
Mag: 5
Skill: 65
Speed: 60
Luck: 55
Def: 40
Res: 25
Wolf (Female)
HP: 125
Str: 55
Mag: 5
Skill: 65
Speed: 65
Luck: 60
Def: 35
Res: 35
Lion (Male)
HP: 145
Str: 90
Mag: 5
Skill: 65
Speed: 55
Luck: 55
Def: 80
Res: 20
Lion (Female)
HP: 140
Str: 85
Mag: 5
Skill: 65
Speed: 60
Luck: 60
Def: 70
Res: 30
Raven (Male)
HP: 110
Str: 45
Mag: 30
Skill: 70
Speed: 80
Luck: 70
Def: 35
Res: 45
Raven (Female)
HP: 110
Str: 40
Mag: 35
Skill: 70
Speed: 85
Luck: 75
Def: 30
Res: 50
Hawk (Male)
HP: 115
Str: 55
Mag: 10
Skill: 70
Speed: 65
Luck: 45
Def: 40
Res: 25
Hawk (Female)
HP: 110
Str: 50
Mag: 15
Skill: 70
Speed: 70
Luck: 65
Def: 40
Res: 30
Heron (Male)
HP: 105
Str: 15
Mag: 75
Skill: 65
Speed: 55
Luck: 85
Def: 25
Res: 65
Heron (Female)
HP: 135
Str: 15
Mag: 95
Skill: 60
Speed: 60
Luck: 90
Def: 20
Res: 90
(No Gender Differences)
Manakete (Red)
HP: 155
Str: 65
Mag: 25
Skill: 55
Speed: 35
Luck: 35
Def: 60
Res: 25
Manakete (White)
HP: 140
Str: 35
Mag: 65
Skill: 65
Speed: 40
Luck: 35
Def: 35
Res: 75
Manakete (Black)
HP: 170
Str: 95
Mag: 5
Skill: 45
Speed: 35
Luck: 35
Def: 85
Res: 25

KumoriRyuu - Member for 2 years
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