Friday, August 31, 2012

Leave a comment - Inside Real Estate News

The non-profit Brothers Redevelopment starting today is seeking requests from firms to develop a marketing campaign to draw tens of thousands more distressed homeowners in the state to the Colorado Foreclosure Hotline.

The campaign has a maximum budget of $200,000. It is being funded as part of Colorado?s share of the national foreclosure settlement with five servicers ? the Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Citigroup, and Ally Financial.

Brothers, which established and launched the hotline in October 2006 on behalf of the Colorado Foreclosure Hotline, is seeking a ?creative, strategic and results-driven marketing communications firm to create top-of-mind awareness? for the hotline.

In the six years since the Hotline was launched, more than 160,000 callers have reached out to it.

Four of five callers who took the next step to meet with a housing counselor at one of the 26 U.S. Department of Housing Urban Development-approved agencies associated with the hotline were able to successfully avoid foreclosure.

Despite the numbers, they could be vastly improved, said Jeff Martinez, spokesman for Brothers.

?We really want to get as many folks calling the hotline as possible,? Martinez said. ?We think only about 30 percent of the folks who could be helped are calling. We would like 100 percent of the people to call us, but even if we could increase the number of callers by 100 percent, it would be phenomenal.?

He said a lot of homeowners may not realize that help is available today, which wasn?t in the past.

?There are a lot of new loan modification programs out there and the Colorado Housing and Finance Authority is providing support,? Martinez said. ?We would like the hotline to reach every single person who is facing foreclosure, may face foreclosure, is worried about losing their home because of their employment picture, or is in some way in distress.?

While the number of foreclosure filings?in Colorado have been dropping, Martinez said it is still a serious problem.

He anticipates the marketing campaign would have a ?broad mix of radio, TV and possibly Internet exposure.? The goal is to reach every corner of Colorado, including urban, rural and mountain communities, he said.

Proposals are due to Brothers Redevelopment by Sept. 14.

The campaign is expected to begin by Oct. 22 and run? for eight to 12 months.

The $200,000 will include all work results, execution expenses and firm costs and fees.

An advisory committee with representatives from the Office of the Colorado Attorney General, Colorado Housing and Finance Authority and Brothers Redevelopment will assist in the review and selection process.

Details of the RFP are online at and A copy of the RFP also may be picked up at Brothers: 2250 Eaton St., Garden Level Suite B, in Edgewater, 80214. Any questions about the RFP must be emailed to by Sept. 7.

The hotline could be reached at 877-601-HOPE.

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Why use a SaaS model to outsource business processes? | Verite ...

We?ve all been there.? You need a system that does a critical business function and your IT department is telling you that the Zombie Apocalypse will happen before you get your widget.? We?re no different.? We focus on specific applications in our development department, namely our eTools, so when a project manager or department head comes to me with a system request, it goes to the bottom of the pile.

So rather than go head-to-head with Monica in marketing about why my projects are more important than hers in the grand scheme of things (by the way, I would totally lose that fight in the end), I decided to bring her in on the solution. I asked her to look around for a SaaS solution that met the majority of her needs and that she felt comfortable using.? My thought process there is that if she has a choice in picking it, her team will most likely buy in as well.

One of the great things about working in today?s world is that we don?t have to build everything in-house. In fact, using a software-as-a-service model is much easier, cheaper and more feature rich than anything your own department could deliver.? We moved towards outsourcing any business process that isn?t a part of our core competency.? The great thing about that is that the support and maintenance is taken out of our world as well.

Even software development companies like V?rit? need to outsource software when it makes sense.? Marketing got what they needed, IT wasn?t the bad guy and nobody had to eat any brains.

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Methods To Obtain Free Business Advertising | Traffic Generation ...

Methods To Obtain Free Business Advertising

Article by Jim Swanner

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

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140 missing, 6 rescued as boat sinks off Indonesia

(AP) ? Rescuers were searching for scores of asylum seekers Thursday, a day after their boat sank off the Indonesian coast. Six people were rescued, but more than 140 remained missing.

The emergency was the latest in a series created by a growing human smuggling trade in which thousands of would-be refugees from countries including Afghanistan, Iran and Sri Lanka travel from Indonesia to Australia in overcrowded fishing boats.

More than 90 died when two boats sank within a week in June and more than 300 have lost their lives making the perilous journey across the Sunda Strait between Indonesia and the Australian territory of Christmas Island since last December.

In the latest incident, a boat reportedly carrying 150 asylum seekers sank off the main Indonesian island of Java on Wednesday.

The crew of a merchant ship taking part in the search, Liberian-flagged APL Bahrain, spotted survivors in the water early Thursday 75 kilometers (45 miles) southwest of Java and rescued six, Home Affairs Minister Jason Clare said.

"There are grave fears for a lot more," Clare told reporters.

The Bahrain's captain, Manuel Nistorescu, told the Fairfax Media website that he also saw what he believed were bodies in the water.

"I think I saw some of them dead," he said.

Nistorescu said the six rescued, all Afghan men, had been in the water for almost 24 hours. There were also women and children aboard the asylum-seeker boat when it sank, he said. The rescued men appeared to be in good condition and were given overalls from the ship to wear, he said.

Nistorescu said he was about to abandon the search when he heard whistles and yelling from the dark water.

Australian Maritime Safety Authority spokeswoman Jo Meehan said another four merchant ships and an Australian military aircraft had joined the search and rescue operation.

Two Indonesian government ships, an Australian navy patrol boat and two planes from Australia were to join the search later Thursday, she said.

Australian authorities received a call by satellite phone from someone aboard the missing boat early Wednesday requesting help. The person said there were 150 people aboard and the vessel had engine trouble. The boat was then 15 kilometers (9 miles) off Java, officials said.

Indonesian authorities launched a search with two boats and a helicopter but found no trace of the boat by late Wednesday.

Meehan said Australia had offered ships and aircraft to help the Indonesians search Wednesday, but that the offer was not taken up.

The survivors were spotted after Australian authorities expanded the search area based on drift patterns.

Clare, who is the minister responsible for Australian rescue authorities, said Indonesia should not be criticized for failing to find survivors on Wednesday.

"It is very hard to find people that are in distress on a little wooden boat in the middle of the Sunda Strait," he said.

Richard Marles, Australia's junior foreign minister, said the emergency highlighted the need for Australia to urgently establish detention camps in the Pacific island states of Papua New Guinea and Nauru to hold asylum seekers who reach Australia by boat.

The government hopes to send the first asylum seekers to a tent camp on Nauru in September in a strategy to deter others from attempting the same boat journey.

"We are confident that when that happens, we will see a reduction in the number of people making the journey," Marles said.

Clare said people smugglers were rushing to get asylum seekers on boats headed for Australia before the off-shore detention camps were opened.

"People smugglers are running a closing down sale," he said.

Associated Press


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Scientist at Work Blog: Beyond Antarctica's Photo Opportunity

Alexander Kumar, a physician and researcher at Concordia Station, writes from Antarctica, where he conducts scientific experiments for the European Space Agency?s human spaceflight program.

Monday, Aug. 20

On Jan. 17, 1912, Robert Falcon Scott?s team arrived at the South Pole defeated and exhausted, finding they had been beaten to it by the Norwegian Roald Amundsen. Scott wrote, ?The Pole. Yes, but under very different circumstances from those expected,? followed by, ?Great God, this is an awful place.?

While Amundsen or one of his sled dogs may have been the first to visit the South Pole, his team left behind only a legacy in exploration. But Scott?s team, with its British scientific leader and expedition doctor, Edward Wilson, also blazed a trail in Antarctic science ? a legacy that still burns bright today.

In fact, besides completing the Worst Journey in the World, Wilson had hauled a multitude of geological samples to what became his final resting place, never giving up to death. The final three members of the expedition team had died of starvation on their return from the South Pole, just 11 miles from the One Ton Camp supply depot and safety.

My friend Dr. Dale Mol? sent me a photo of a portrait of Wilson ? the first doctor to reach the South Pole ? that hangs in ?Club Med,? the infirmary of the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, an American outpost. It remains an inspiration to all lone doctors who dare to overwinter there.

It is to me ? so much so that on March 29, to celebrate Scott?s centenary, the date of his last diary entry, I slept in a tent outside, where the temperature was minus 70 degrees Celsius (minus 94 degrees Fahrenheit). The tent was basic, with open sides that allowed wind to come in. It was simply the worst night?s camping I had ever done, and a memory I will keep forever. Never again will I moan about camping in the British rain.

Scott?s team had dreamed of the South Pole ? ?the uttermost end of the world,? as Scott described it. Today, 100 years later, I sit in my spacious, comfortable biomedical laboratory conducting research for the European Space Agency with my own century?s dream: to send a manned mission to Mars, and see it return.

At Concordia, one of the world?s most remote and isolated manned outposts, our 13 crew members have been working hard, enduring these long months alone and forgoing our previous lives, rich with family and friends, also in the name of science. We have conducted a variety of experiments, including my human science research, attempting to carry the torch of science through the extreme cold and polar darkness.

Two crew members are continuing glaciology research, following the success of a Concordia project known as EPICA (European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica) that ran from 1996 to 2005. The project charted about 800,000 years of climate history, revealing humankind?s impact on the planet from the more than 3,000 meters (about 10,000 feet) of ice cores that were brought up for analysis. The remaining shards and pieces of broken cores brought up to the surface are kept inside a tunnel.

As a tourist in Antarctica, you could pour yourself a whiskey and have it fizz with 760,000-year-old ice if it weren?t such a scientific atrocity. More interesting to me has been finding samples correlating to the year A.D. 0, ?when Jesus walked the earth.

I spent many long hours outside helping our glaciologist, Sebastien Aubin of France, carefully excavate untouched ice far from the station and bag it for later analysis. It was almost fun working at midday in the winter darkness, sometimes under the moonlight and starry polar night sky; it is the closest you could come to sampling life on another planet. The ?great white silence,? as a British documentary film from the 1920s called it, was so still that you couldn?t even hear the old souls drifting across the plateau.

Buried deep underground, hidden in the ice not far away, is a series of ladders and tunnels that lead to a single box. You cannot touch the box or step near it. It blinks and flashes red lights silently. This box measures the minute and distant torsions in the earth?s crust, watching from afar as the world tries to blow itself up.

Before the onset of winter, I was extremely privileged not only to visit the site and box, but also to witness one of Antarctica?s most unique sights. My French guide, the resident seismologist and station leader, Erick Bondoux, turned off the lights. The ambient temperature was minus 50 degrees Celsius (minus 58 Fahrenheit). I couldn?t even see my own breath. I set my camera up and took a photo. After some time, the most incredible sight appeared on my screen: an indigo hue produced by the filtration by the ancient ice of the sunlight from far, far above.

This year we have had the coldest temperature recorded on site in two winters ? minus 80.5 degrees Celsius (about minus 113 degrees Fahrenheit), without considering wind chill ? and the lowest atmospheric pressure ever recorded on site, at 610 hectopascals. The latter left us all feeling severely hung over from the simultaneous hypoxia, as oxygen was stolen from our breath before it reached our lungs.

Imagine the feeling of being half-submerged, half-drowned, continually short of breath, struggling with a hammering headache and wanting to vomit from the associated nausea. Besides the lowest records, we had two unusual days in which the temperature swung wildly from minus 70 degrees Celsius to minus 29 degrees Celsius (minus 94 degrees Fahrenheit to minus 20 degrees Fahrenheit) overnight.

Without the efforts of Igor Petenko, our resident Russian meteorologist, all of these changes and records would have remained unknown. We would not be able to measure the human impact on all of the earth?s surface. After all, who else is going to do it around here? We are the only people living for more than 1,000 kilometers in most directions.

One of the greatest and most challenging journeys we undertook was to climb one of Antarctica?s highest towers in the winter darkness and extreme cold. American Tower, about a kilometer from Concordia Station, stands about 40 meters (130 feet) tall, with 25 levels up to its summit. On many of the levels, there are scientific instruments that require regular maintenance. With open sides and fierce winds, you need to fix yourself with a harness to a central rope to reach them. For me, standing on the top of the bottom of the world was magical, with shooting stars and satellites as our only company.

Living out of the reach of pollution, on top of a high-altitude ice cube and in the winter darkness, we have one of the clearest night skies available anywhere on earth. Up here, we can look into the Milky Way while being dazzled by the aurora australis, the southern lights.

Astroconcordia, overseen by the station astronomer, Guillaume Bouchez of France, is the headquarters for Concordia?s astronomy research initiatives, including the search for distant exoplanets that are like our own and could potentially support life. Guillaume spends a great deal of time outside, monitoring and cleaning his equipment. I spent a few hours late one night scanning the surface of the moon with him.

Living alone at this extreme, we have to be completely self-sufficient. Our plumber and resident explorer, G?rard Gu?rin of France, is responsible for keeping our water supply running and safe to drink. That may seem like a simple process: Turning ice into water simply requires the addition of heat. But heating in the coldest environment on earth can be terribly inefficient, and in a world full of landfill, it would be truly tragic and unthinkable to edge Antarctica toward the same fate.

Here we recycle our wastewater, using a gray water treatment unit built and managed by a French company, Firmus; it is similar to the system on the International Space Station. We have also a black water treatment unit and a digester, which, using a microbiological process, reduces our organic waste.

And so our team can not only survive in the world?s most extreme environment, but thrive while carrying out important scientific research during the worst winter in the world. I hope the scientific work of international overwintering stations on Antarctica continues to serve as an example to the rest of the world.

This entry is dedicated to those who, in the past century, gave their lives while working on the ice for the purpose of science and discovery. In particular, I dedicate this to the blazing legacy of science left by Dr. Wilson, my hero. It may be unpopular to say, but I believe Scott?s team was the first to reach the South Pole for the ?right? reason ? science ? which should also be the reason that humans, one day, land on Mars.

The only profit made from Antarctica should be in science. We may live in a world where $50,000 will buy a summer tourist a fly-by-night ticket to be photographed at the South Pole. But I am sure in my heart that the only way I would ever arrive at the South Pole is on my own two feet, starved in body but not in mind, dragging a sled of science behind me, repaving the trusted, century-old trail that at the turn of the last century blazed so brightly.

I would do so out of respect for others, like Wilson, who came before me, hauling to his death this same true belief in science and appreciation for the wonderful but dwindling diversity of what in the future may be found only in a textbook or on a Web site: life on Earth.

In 2014, Dr. Alexander Kumar will join the Imperial TransAntarctic Centenary Expedition?as the expedition?s doctor and chief scientist. He will be responsible for conducting a scientific protocol while completing the route originally planned but not undertaken by Sir Ernest Shackleton on his ill-fated Endurance expedition 100 years ago.


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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A SEO Company Will Need More Information In Internet | Funky ...

By admin at 29 August, 2012, 7:57 pm

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Classes and Stat percentages

Fire Emblem

A group of friends and enemies alike must fight to survive the war engulfing their homeland.


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HP: 50
Str: 50
Mag: 5
Skill: 60
Speed: 65
Luck: 45
Def: 40
Res: 15


HP: 60
Str: 55
Mag: 10
Skill: 65
Speed: 70
Luck: 45
Def: 40
Res: 20


HP: 75
Str: 70
Mag: 5
Skill: 55
Speed: 50
Luck: 45
Def: 35
Res: 10


HP: 80
Str: 80
Mag: 10
Skill: 60
Speed: 55
Luck: 45
Def: 40
Res: 15

Cavalier (Sword)

HP: 55
Str: 50
Mag: 10
Skill: 60
Speed: 60
Luck: 50
Def: 40
Res: 25

Cavalier (Axe)

HP: 60
Str: 60
Mag: 5
Skill: 55
Speed: 50
Luck: 35
Def: 45
Res: 20

Cavalier (Lance)

HP: 60
Str: 55
Mag: 5
Skill: 60
Speed: 55
Luck: 45
Def: 45
Res: 15

Cavalier (Bow)

HP: 50
Str: 45
Mag: 15
Skill: 60
Speed: 60
Luck: 55
Def: 40
Res: 35

Great Cavalier (Any promoted Cavalier)

Add 10% to HP, Str and Def. Add 5% to Luck and Res.

Mage (Wind)

HP: 45
Str: 20
Mag: 65
Skill: 55
Speed: 55
Luck: 45
Def: 20
Res: 60

Mage (Fire)

HP: 40
Str: 10
Mag: 70
Skill: 65
Speed: 55
Luck: 50
Def: 20
Res: 60

Mage (Thunder)

HP: 50
Str: 15
Mag: 65
Skill: 65
Speed: 60
Luck: 35
Def: 15
Res: 60

Mage (Light)

HP: 40
Str: 15
Mag: 70
Skill: 50
Speed: 50
Luck: 60
Def: 20
Res: 75

Mage (Darkness)

HP: 50
Str: 20
Mag: 70
Skill: 50
Speed: 50
Luck: 35
Def: 25
Res: 90

Sage (Any promoted Mage)

Add 10% to Magic, Luck and Res. Add 5% to HP and Def.

Pegasus Knight

HP: 45
Str: 45
Mag: 15
Skill: 65
Speed: 70
Luck: 50
Def: 35
Res: 45

Falcon Knight

HP: 50
Str: 45
Mag: 15
Skill: 70
Speed: 75
Luck: 50
Def: 40
Res: 50

Griffon Knight

HP: 60
Str: 55
Mag: 5
Skill: 65
Speed: 60
Luck: 45
Def: 40
Res: 25


HP: 70
Str: 65
Mag: 5
Skill: 55
Speed: 45
Luck: 40
Def: 60
Res: 25


HP: 75
Str: 70
Mag: 5
Skill: 65
Speed: 55
Luck: 45
Def: 65
Res: 25

Dragon Lord

HP: 90
Str: 85
Mag: 5
Skill: 70
Speed: 35
Luck: 55
Def: 70
Res: 20


HP: 45
Str: 40
Mag: 10
Skill: 55
Speed: 70
Luck: 70
Def: 35
Res: 25


HP: 55
Str: 50
Mag: 10
Skill: 75
Speed: 60
Luck: 55
Def: 40
Res: 25


HP: 70
Str: 65
Mag: 15
Skill: 55
Speed: 60
Luck: 45
Def: 40
Res: 25

Great Lord

HP: 70
Str: 65
Mag: 15
Skill: 60
Speed: 65
Luck: 50
Def: 45
Res: 30


HP: 35
Str: 25
Mag: 65
Skill: 50
Speed: 60
Luck: 60
Def: 35
Res: 70


HP: 45
Str: 35
Mag: 55
Skill: 60
Speed: 55
Luck: 60
Def: 40
Res: 55


HP: 35
Str: 20
Mag: 75
Skill: 55
Speed: 45
Luck: 70
Def: 25
Res: 90


HP: 40
Str: 20
Mag: 90
Skill: 60
Speed: 55
Luck: 75
Def: 25
Res: 80


HP: 45
Str: 50
Mag: 5
Skill: 65
Speed: 60
Luck: 60
Def: 35
Res: 25

Bounty Hunter

HP: 65
Str: 60
Mag: 5
Skill: 55
Speed: 45
Luck: 55
Def: 35
Res: 25


HP: 45
Str: 45
Mag: 10
Skill: 80
Speed: 75
Luck: 55
Def: 35
Res: 35

Great Shinobi

HP: 50
Str: 50
Mag: 10
Skill: 80
Speed: 80
Luck: 65
Def: 40
Res: 40


Cat (Male)

HP: 115
Str: 50
Mag: 15
Skill: 65
Speed: 60
Luck: 40
Def: 40
Res: 25

Cat (Female)

HP: 110
Str: 45
Mag: 15
Skill: 65
Speed: 70
Luck: 55
Def: 40
Res: 30

Tiger (Male)

HP: 135
Str: 75
Mag: 5
Skill: 55
Speed: 45
Luck: 35
Def: 65
Res: 20

Tiger (Female)

HP: 130
Str: 70
Mag: 10
Skill: 55
Speed: 55
Luck: 50
Def: 60
Res: 30

Wolf (Male)

HP: 125
Str: 55
Mag: 5
Skill: 65
Speed: 60
Luck: 55
Def: 40
Res: 25

Wolf (Female)

HP: 125
Str: 55
Mag: 5
Skill: 65
Speed: 65
Luck: 60
Def: 35
Res: 35

Lion (Male)

HP: 145
Str: 90
Mag: 5
Skill: 65
Speed: 55
Luck: 55
Def: 80
Res: 20

Lion (Female)

HP: 140
Str: 85
Mag: 5
Skill: 65
Speed: 60
Luck: 60
Def: 70
Res: 30

Raven (Male)

HP: 110
Str: 45
Mag: 30
Skill: 70
Speed: 80
Luck: 70
Def: 35
Res: 45

Raven (Female)

HP: 110
Str: 40
Mag: 35
Skill: 70
Speed: 85
Luck: 75
Def: 30
Res: 50

Hawk (Male)

HP: 115
Str: 55
Mag: 10
Skill: 70
Speed: 65
Luck: 45
Def: 40
Res: 25

Hawk (Female)

HP: 110
Str: 50
Mag: 15
Skill: 70
Speed: 70
Luck: 65
Def: 40
Res: 30

Heron (Male)

HP: 105
Str: 15
Mag: 75
Skill: 65
Speed: 55
Luck: 85
Def: 25
Res: 65

Heron (Female)

HP: 135
Str: 15
Mag: 95
Skill: 60
Speed: 60
Luck: 90
Def: 20
Res: 90

(No Gender Differences)

Manakete (Red)

HP: 155
Str: 65
Mag: 25
Skill: 55
Speed: 35
Luck: 35
Def: 60
Res: 25

Manakete (White)

HP: 140
Str: 35
Mag: 65
Skill: 65
Speed: 40
Luck: 35
Def: 35
Res: 75

Manakete (Black)

HP: 170
Str: 95
Mag: 5
Skill: 45
Speed: 35
Luck: 35
Def: 85
Res: 25

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Twitter API Changes Are Already Posing Challenges To Tweetbot Developers

Tweetbot for Mac Alpha warningTapbots has announced on their blog that the alpha version of Tweetbot for Mac will no longer be available. Now that Twitter limits an app's user base to only 100,000 users, Tweetbot is one of the victims of Twitter's new API rules. The third-party app currently offers a better user experience than Twitter's own official app. It is therefore a controversial outcome. Tapbots contacted Twitter to see if they could implement a workaround to prevent wasting user tokens during the free alpha test, but Twitter was intransigent.


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The PsOne games you'll be playing on your Vita | Lazygamer ...


Tomorrow, there?s an update coming for your Playstation Vita that?ll allow you to play your digital back-catalogue of PlayStation One games. Sony?s released the list of games that?ll be compatible and available from the onset ? and if you live in the US, it?s a pretty dire selection; just 9 games. If, however, you live in a European territory, the list of games is pretty expansive ? and exciting.

While US users will only have access to Arc the Lad, Cool Boarders 2, Final Fantasy VII, Hot Shots Golf 2, Jet Moto, Syphon Filter, Tomb Raider, Twisted Metal 2 and Wild Arms (though you can get more working via PS3 transfer), the list for those of us who?re usually treated like second class citizens reads like a ?Best Playstation Games EVER? feature. Here?s what you?ll be able to play when the update goes live tomorrow.

  • Cool Boarders
  • Cool Boarders 2
  • Crash Bandicoot
  • Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back
  • Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped
  • CTR: Crash Team Racing
  • Destruction Derby
  • Everybody?s Golf 2
  • G-Police
  • Jet Rider
  • Jet Rider 2
  • Jumping Flash
  • Kula World
  • Kurushi Final
  • MediEvil
  • Motor Toon Grand Prix 2
  • Rally Cross
  • Syphon Filter
  • Syphon Filter 3
  • Twisted Metal
  • Wild Arms
  • WipEout
  • 40 Wink
  • A Bug?s Life
  • A Bugs Life and Monsters Inc bundle
  • Abe?s Exoddus
  • Abe?s Oddworld Oddysee
  • Airboat
  • All-Star Boxing
  • Arc Arena: Monster Tournament
  • Arc the Lad
  • Arc the Lad II
  • Arc the Lad III
  • Arcade Hits: Shienryu
  • Arcade Hits: Sonic Wings Special
  • Atari Anniversary Edition
  • Atlantis
  • Atlantis and Hercules Bundle
  • Bishi Bashi Special
  • Blockids
  • Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain
  • Bugriders
  • Buzz Lightyear of Star Command
  • Centipede
  • Cho Aniki
  • Constructor SYSTEM 3 SOFTWARE
    Critical Depth
  • Dezaemon Plus
  • Disney?s Action Game ft. Hercules
  • Dodgeball
  • Driver
  • Eagle One: Harrier Attack
  • Fear Effect
  • Fear Effect: Retro Helix
  • Fighting Force
  • Fighting Force 2
  • Final Fantasy VIII
  • Final Fantasy IX
  • Final Fantasy V
  • Final Fantasy VI
  • Final Fantasy VII
  • Front Mission 3
  • Gaiaseed
  • Galaxy Fight
  • Gex
  • Gex 3: Deep Under Cover
  • Gex 3D: Enter the Gecko
  • Grandia
  • Gubble
  • Guilty Gear
  • Gunship
  • Hardcore 4X4
  • International Track & Field
  • Jigsaw Madness
  • Judge Dredd
  • Junior League Soccer PS1
  • Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
  • Lilo & Stitch
  • Little Mermaid 2
  • Little Mermaid 2 and Winnie The Pooh bundle
  • Metal Gear Solid
  • Mickey?s Wild Adventure
  • Miracle Quad Racer
  • Miracle Space Race
  • Missile Command
  • Monsters Inc
  • Motorhead
  • N20
  • Namco Heritage bundle
  • Pandemonium
  • Pandemonium 2
  • Parasite Eve 2
  • Peter Pan
  • Pong
  • Pooh?s Party Game
  • Rageball
  • Rainbow Six
  • Rascal Racers
  • Rayman
  • Rayman 2: The Great Escape
  • Reel Fishing
  • Re-loaded
  • Resident Evil 2
  • Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
  • Resident Evil: Director?s Cut
  • Ridge Racer Type 4
  • Sheep
  • Silent Hill
  • Snowboard Racer
  • Sorcerer?s Maze
  • Spin Jam
  • Sports Superbike
  • Streak
  • Street Fighter 2 Alpha
  • Super Star Dance Club
  • Tarzan
  • Tekken
  • Tekken 2
  • Tomb Raider
  • Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation
  • Tomb Raider Chronicles
  • Tomb Raider 2
  • Tomb Raider 3
  • Toy Story 2
  • Toy Story Racer
  • Toy Story Racer and Toy Story 2: Woody and Buzz bundle
  • Vagrant Story
  • Alundra
  • Urban Chaos

Blood Omen? GET IN MY VITA! In related news, the new 1.80 Update for the Vita also adds the ability to map the touchscreen as buttons for PSP games?though why?d you?d want that is beyond my reckoning.


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Fabled AP Saigon team thins, with 4 recent deaths

HANOI, Vietnam (AP) ? It's been a cruel year for the fabled generation of reporters that covered the Vietnam War for The Associated Press.

Tenacious correspondent George Esper died in February, writer Roy Essoyan a month later. Legendary photographer Horst Faas passed away in May.

Malcolm Brown, who took an iconic image of a South Vietnamese monk engulfed in flames, died on Monday.

Former Saigon bureau chief Richard Pyle said in an email Wednesday "we have lost four journalistic legends from the great AP Saigon bureau this year, and I fear we are running out of them."

Their deaths represent the slipping away of a generation of war reporters that brought the reality of the conflict to the living rooms of America in often horrifying close-up and inspired scores of combat journalists in their wake.


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Clear-Com's Tempest2400 Powers Communications for Caracol TV ...

Clear-Com?s Tempest2400 Powers Communications for Caracol TV

Caracol TV, Colombia?s number-one television broadcaster, has chosen the Clear-Com Tempest2400 digital wireless intercom as its communications system. Tempest2400?s ability to provide reliable, flexible, and interference-free communications has added efficiency to the overall production workflow at Caracol TV, enabling production staff to coordinate the channel?s numerous programming offerings with greater ease.

Clear-Com?s Tempest2400 digital wireless intercom in use on the set of Caracol TV?s reality TV Program Yo Me Llamo (My Name Is).

Caracol TV?s busy production staff, which handles a heavy daily programming slate of news and game shows, sporting events, and telenovelas (Spanish-language soap operas), cannot afford to lose time to resolving communication challenges. These issues arise when an intercom drops audio or experiences RF interference from other devices operating in the studio or field. That?s why the broadcaster turned to the Tempest2400, which features state-of-the-art 2xTX Transmission Voice Data Redundancy. This sends each packet of audio data twice on different frequencies and through different antennas, ensuring uninterrupted audio communications. In addition, the Tempest2400 is designed with Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) technology, which utilizes a narrow band signal that is continually changing frequencies to cut through RF noise and interference.

The Tempest2400 is also able to connect with the broadcaster?s wired intercom in its main studio and production truck, adding more communications capability for the production team. The Tempest2400 works well outdoors just as it does indoors, which is especially useful for Caracol TV?s broadcasts of Latin American soccer games.

?We were using a wireless intercom from a different provider, and had a lot of problems with interference,? says Caracol TV Audio Department Chief, Juan Pablo Ca?izares. ?When we bought the Tempest2400, I just plugged it in and it worked beautifully. It completely solved the interference problem. We liked it so much that we purchased four two-channel versions in addition to the four-channel version that we already had. Also, I like that it has multiple channels, as it allows us to designate one channel for audio, another for lighting and so forth.?

Other features of the Tempest2400 system that makes it ideal for Caracol TV include its stage announce with relay closure function and its ability to integrate seamlessly with the broadcaster?s existing wired intercom systems. The stage announce with relay closure function enables staff members to talk over the Caracol TV PA system through a Tempest2400 BeltStation.

?We?re proud that such a prestigious Latin American broadcaster as Caracol TV has chosen to use Clear-Com?s Tempest2400,? says Jaz Wray, regional sales manager, Southwestern USA and Latin America, Clear-Com. ?Tempest was specifically designed with the needs of such a broadcaster in mind.? We understand when it comes to the hectic pace of a popular broadcast network, they do not have spare time to manage RF interference issues.? Caracol TV joins a growing list of Tempest users in Colombia and we look forward to assisting the broadcaster with its professional intercom needs for many years to come.?


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Engadget's back to school guide 2012: bags and cases

Welcome to Engadget's back to school guide! The end of summer vacation isn't nearly as much fun as the weeks that come before, but a chance to update your tech tools likely helps to ease the pain. Today, we're helping you keep all your gear organized -- and you can head to the back to school hub to see the rest of the product guides as they're added throughout the month. Be sure to keep checking back -- at the end of the month we'll be giving away a ton of the gear featured in our guides -- and hit up the hub page right here!

DNP Engadget's back to school guide 2012 bags

Trying to pack a load of gadgets, peripherals and a laptop into your average book bag usually isn't the most ideal setup -- especially when it's time to grab what you need throughout the day. To solve that dilemma, we've selected more than a handful of sacks and cases that'll keep your gear at hand and organized so that you'll spend less time rummaging for your gizmos and more time exploring your campus. Best of all, you can rest assured knowing many of the selections past the break are goods that we here at Engadget even rely on to get our gear in and out of the various events we attend -- jump past the break to see our picks.

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Engadget's back to school guide 2012: bags and cases originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 27 Aug 2012 12:00:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Listen to the first song sent from Mars

Musician tells the story behind "Reach for the Stars," the first song broadcast from another planet.

By Alan Boyle

Hip-hop musician's "Reach for the Stars" officially became the first song broadcast from Mars today, thanks to a signal beamed from NASA's Curiosity rover.

"This is the first time that a song's ever come from another planet," Leland Melvin, NASA's associate administrator for education and a former astronaut, told students at an educational event at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.

On one level, the song's airing at JPL was as much of an audio and photo op as Monday's broadcast of a statement from NASA Administrator Charles Bolden, which represented?"the first human voice broadcast from Mars." But on another level, the blend of space exploration and pop culture fueled the already-high interest in Curiosity's $2.5 billion mission on Mars.

"Mars has always fascinated us, and the things Curiosity tells us about it will help us learn about whether or not life was possible there, and what future human explorers can expect," Bolden said in a NASA statement. " has provided the first song on our playlist of Mars exploration."?

Inspiring the next generation
The event was also aimed at inspiring the next generation of explorers, engineers and scientists: Among the listeners in the JPL audience were students from Boyle Heights ??the L.A. suburb where, one of the stars of the Black Eyed Peas, grew up.

"I'm a little nervous, because my mom's in the audience," joked. He said he wanted to inspire the kids in his old neighborhood "so that you guys don't ever think about leaving it, but changing it."

Believe it or not, this isn't the first time people tried to have a song broadcast from Mars. The European Space Agency arranged for its Beagle 2 lander to transmit a tune recorded by the British rock group Blur as the first signal confirming that spacecraft's safe landing in 2003. Unfortunately, that lander went out of contact during its descent and was never heard from again.

This time, the experiment worked.

Well after Curiosity's successful landing on Aug. 5, "Reach for the Stars" was uploaded to the rover's onboard computer and then transmitted back to NASA's Deep Space Network antennas on Earth. Flight director Bobak Ferdowsi, who has achieved Internet fame in his own right as "NASA Mohawk Guy," cued up the four-minute audio clip at the appointed time today. The rover wasn't broadcasting in real time: There's currently a nearly 15-minute communication gap for Curiosity's communications, due to the time it takes radio signals to travel the roughly 166 million miles (267 million kilometers) between Earth and Mars.

How the song got started said the Mars Curiosity project had its genesis in "," an ABC-TV special on robotics and science education that he helped fund for broadcast last year. As a result of the success of that program, Bolden asked to become involved in NASA's educational outreach program, and in response, the musician asked whether the space agency had anything special coming up.

"He said, 'We have a rocket going to Mars,'" recalled. "So I said, 'Hey, have you ever thought about putting a song on the rocket, so when the rocket lands, the song comes back to Earth?' That's never happened before. So he said, 'Who's gonna do the song?' I said, 'Are you serious? Damn!'"

The musician said he intentionally went with an orchestral sound (with a 40-piece ensemble) instead of the usual hip-hop or dance beat. "I didn't want to do a song that was done on a computer," he said. "I wanted to show human collaboration ... and something that would be timeless, and translated in different cultures." said the point of the song wasn't just about spaceflight.

"It's a reminder that anything is possible if you discipline yourself, and dedicate yourself and stand for something," he said. "Every single person that's a part of NASA stood for something, and we have this wonderful technology?? the phone you have in your hand, and small computers. If it wasn't for their discipline and their relentless research and efforts, we wouldn't have these small computers. We don't have to just end up in the 'hood. But it's a hard thing. The hardest thing is discipline. Everything else is easy."

During today's event, the musician's angel Foundation and Discovery Education announced a $10 million classroom education initiative focusing on STEAM themes (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics). NASA said the Discovery Education initiative will incorporate content from the space agency and space exploration themes as part of its curriculum. The initiative will aim to reach 25 million students annually.

Lyrics for 'Reach for the Stars,' courtesy of

Why they say the sky is the limit
When I?ve seen the footprints on the moon
Why do they say the sky is the limit
When I?ve seen the footprints on the moon
And I know the sky might be high
But baby it ain?t really that high
And I know that Mars might be far
But baby it ain?t really that far
Let?s reach for the stars

Reach for the stars
Let?s reach for the stars
Reach for the stars
Let?s reach for the stars
Reach for the stars
Let?s reach for the stars

(Let, let, let, let me see your hands up)
(Let me see your hands up)

Can?t nobody hold us back
They can?t hold us down
They can?t keep us trapped
Tie us to the ground
Told your people that
We don?t mess around
When we turn it up
Please don?t turn us down
We will turn it up
Louder than we were before
Like the lion out the jungle, you can hear us roar
When I lie in here, it?s like a sonic blaster
Flying just like NASA, out of space master

Hands up, reach for the sky
Hands up, get ?em up high
Hands up, if you really feel alive
Live it up, live it up

Why they say the sky is the limit
When I?ve seen the footprints on the moon
Why do they say the sky is the limit
When I?ve seen the footprints on the moon
And I know the sky might be high
But baby it ain?t really that high
And I know that Mars might be far
But baby it ain?t really that far
Let?s reach for the stars

Reach for the stars
Let?s reach for the stars
Reach for the stars
Let?s reach for the stars
Reach for the stars
Let?s reach for the stars

Extra credit:?So what's the first song broadcast from the moon? Could it really be?"I Was Strolling on the Moon One Day,"?performed live by Harrison Schmitt and Gene Cernan in 1972?

More about the Curiosity mission:

Alan Boyle is's science editor. Connect with the Cosmic Log community by "liking" the log's?Facebook page, following?@b0yle on Twitter?and adding the?Cosmic Log page?to your Google+ presence. To keep up with Cosmic Log as well as's other stories about science and space, sign up for the Tech & Science newsletter, delivered to your email in-box every weekday. You can also check out?"The Case for Pluto,"?my book about the controversial dwarf planet and the search for new worlds.


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