Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Fabled AP Saigon team thins, with 4 recent deaths

HANOI, Vietnam (AP) ? It's been a cruel year for the fabled generation of reporters that covered the Vietnam War for The Associated Press.

Tenacious correspondent George Esper died in February, writer Roy Essoyan a month later. Legendary photographer Horst Faas passed away in May.

Malcolm Brown, who took an iconic image of a South Vietnamese monk engulfed in flames, died on Monday.

Former Saigon bureau chief Richard Pyle said in an email Wednesday "we have lost four journalistic legends from the great AP Saigon bureau this year, and I fear we are running out of them."

Their deaths represent the slipping away of a generation of war reporters that brought the reality of the conflict to the living rooms of America in often horrifying close-up and inspired scores of combat journalists in their wake.


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