Sunday, August 26, 2012

Make Canning Jar Lids and Accessories with a 3D Printer [3dPrinting]

Make Canning Jar Lids and Accessories with a 3D PrinterFor many people it would be difficult to find two things that have less in common than mason jars and 3D printers, but many makers and homesteaders with one foot in the past and one in the future find high-tech methods to practice off-grid lifestyles.

3D Printing enthusiast shop and weblog Proto Paradigm offers many free designs (things) for use with mason jars at Thingiverse, a depository of free 3D printer designs, including regular and wide mouth canning jar lids, coin bank lids, a fly trap, a lid for sprouting, a straining lid, and a fermentation lid.

If you don't have a 3D printer of your own you can try to find a local hackerspace or college lab who might be willing to let you use their 3D printer for a small fee. Keep in mind that the plastic lids are not suitable for long term canning but they are great for anything you want to keep in your refrigerator.

What to do with a 3D printer: Make canning jar accessories | ProtoParadigm via Treehugger


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